Want New Teeth? The Dental Implants Dentists’ Repertoire For Working Magic On Pueblo CO Residents’ Damaged Teeth, PART 3

This four-part article series takes a closer look at the various technologies and techniques available for the repair and replacement of damaged, worn and discolored teeth.

Welcome to the third installment of this four-part article series on the various tools, treatments, techniques and technology available for the perfection of smiles. In our previous article, Part 2, we spoke to a panel of Pueblo CO dental implant dentists who talked about the camouflaging power of dental / porcelain veneers and the much improved tooth-colored filling materials available for the repair of cavities and the sealing of deep molar cusps.

It can be easy to want new teeth if you aren’t proud of your smile, which may be a little extreme considering the number of treatment options available for the aesthetic improvement of damaged and discolored teeth. But in many cases, new teeth are exactly what are needed! Let’s now take a look at dental implants…

Dental Implants




If you’ve lost one tooth, several teeth or even all of your natural teeth – or have had to have them extracted because of irreparable decay or damage – then a dental implant/s can be put in their place to provide you with beautiful new teeth. You will need to arrange a consultation with a dental implant dentist to determine whether or not you are a candidate for this technology, but most people who want new teeth are.

Dental implants are essentially artificial tooth roots that are made from titanium metal and that look similar to little screws (see image above). They are placed in the jawbone at the site of the missing tooth and are used to provide a sturdy, fixed platform to which a replacement artificial tooth crown can be attached. Nestled in the jawbone, dental implants function similar to tooth roots, which go a long way in helping to keep this hard tissue healthy, since it needs stimulation in order to keep atrophy at bay.

Dental implants can also typically provide support for a row of three or more replacement teeth – a bridge – or, in the case of people who need a complete set of new teeth, a full prosthetic dental bridge. 

Dental Crowns (Tooth and Implant-Supported) 

Dental crowns are essentially artificial tooth crowns that have been fabricated from very durable ceramic composite materials. They can either be mounted on top of a natural tooth that has been filed down and prepared by the dentist, or they can be supported by a dental implant if the tooth being replaced could not be restored. 

Dental Bridges




Similar to dental crowns, dental bridges can also either be supported by two natural teeth that have been ground down and prepared, or they can be supported by dental implants. The particular variety of bridge you get comes down to your specific case and the recommendation of Pueblo CO dentists. Typically, tooth-supported bridges are made to replace one or more missing teeth by using the healthy adjacent teeth as supports.

An implant supported bridge also replaces multiple missing teeth, but uses dental implants for support and in doing so, doesn’t put much pressure or stress on a patient’s remaining healthy teeth. It is for this reason that oral rehabilitation using implants is typically the recommendation of dental healthcare professionals for patients who want new teeth. 

Stay Tuned for Part 4 

To learn more about the various treatments that can be done and dental technologies available to improve the appearance of your teeth and gums, stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series.

Want New Teeth? The Cosmetic Dentist’s Repertoire For Working Magic On Pueblo CO Residents’ Damaged Teeth, PART 2

This four-part article series takes a closer look at the various technologies and techniques available for the repair and replacement of damaged, worn and discolored teeth.

Welcome to the second installment of this four-part article series on the various tools, treatments, techniques and technology available for the perfection of smiles. In our previous article, Part 1, we spoke to a panel of Pueblo CO cosmetic dentists who explained what a remarkable difference a simple professional teeth cleaning or teeth whitening treatment can make for the appearance of one’s smile. If, however, your dental woes are a little more serious and you feel that you’re in desperate need of new teeth, there are still several options for you. We will be exploring those in this article and in the next.




Have you ever owned a table that had its fair share of stains, coffee rings and burn marks from the time you learned the hard way that incense ash is as hot as the actual cinder? Most of us have. The solution? Throw a pretty tablecloth over it to make it look like new!

Dental or porcelain veneers are similar in concept. A dental veneer is an ultra-fine shell or covering of porcelain material that is custom-made by a cosmetic dentist to fit over the front surface of a tooth. The tooth in question will be very stained or perhaps deeply discolored. It may even be chipped, cracked or fractured, or it may have a large gap between it and the next one. Whatever the imperfection, your Pueblo cosmetic dentist can custom design a veneer to fit over it, camouflaging it quite neatly!

If you are totally unhappy with your smile, you can have veneers fitted to all of your teeth, quite literally giving you a smile makeover, or you can have just one mounted onto a particularly unaesthetic tooth. The sky’s the limit!

Veneers are considered a cosmetic treatment, but in cases where they are replacing portions of the tooth structure that have been lost to accidental trauma or decay, they can actually help to preserve the health of the tooth. They can actually help to prevent you from needing new teeth sooner rather than later.

Dental Bonding and Tooth Colored Fillings




Gone are the days when dentists would recommend amalgam fillings to patients in need of dental repair. New, tooth-colored fillings are the most aesthetic and beneficial solution for teeth that require a cavity filled, areas of decay patched up or particularly deep cusps filled in (sealants). If you still have amalgam fillings from childhood, it is more than possible to have them replaced with a far more attractive and natural looking ceramic tooth-colored filling, so speak to your dentist!

“A timely filling or dental bonding can go very far in helping to prevent a tooth sustaining further damage or decay and with the development of today’s advanced, durable and tooth-colored restorative materials, the job can be just as aesthetically pleasing as it is functional,” say Pueblo CO dental implant dentists.

Stay Tuned for Part 3 

To learn more about the various treatments that can be done and dental technologies available to improve the appearance of your teeth and gums, stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series.

Want New Teeth? The Dentist’s Repertoire For Working Magic On Pueblo CO Residents’ Damaged Teeth, PART 1

This four-part article series takes a closer look at the various technologies and techniques available for the repair and replacement of damaged, worn and discolored teeth.

Healthy teeth and a beautiful, confident smile is a fundamental tool for communication. Imagine how your ability to interact with other people, both professionally and socially, might be compromised without being able to smile openly? For many Pueblo CO residents, this doesn’t require much of a stretch of the imagination, because they have been living with smiles they have been embarrassed about for many years. Thankfully, for those who find themselves in need or want of new teeth, there are several options offered by cosmetic dentists and you don’t need to take out a second mortgage on your home to afford them!

In this four-part article series, a panel of Pueblo CO dental implant dentists chat to us about the various tools, technologies and techniques available for the improvement of smile aesthetics.

Professional Teeth Cleaning




Remember all those many years ago when your mom would force you to go to the dentist and you’d first spend a good 30 minutes having each and every tooth scraped and polished before actually going in for your appointment. That’s called a professional teeth cleaning and it’s absolutely necessary every six months in order to eliminate the permanent deposits of calculus that accumulate on the crowns of your teeth and just below the gum line.

“Routine professional teeth cleanings play a keen preventative role in keeping your teeth and gums healthy,” explain Pueblo dentists. “They help to prevent the development of cavities, gum inflammation and disease, which all contributes to poor smile aesthetics and ultimately the need for new teeth.”

Another great benefit afforded by frequent professional teeth cleanings is that they really make your teeth look amazing! By removing the yellower plaque and tartar from your teeth, they are left looking whiter and their lines more defined. The elimination of all that bacteria (present in plaque and tartar) also allow your gums a chance to heal, which can reduce inflammation, leaving them looking pink and healthy.

So, before you consider an expensive cosmetic treatment, you may want to consider simply improving upon hygiene and going for a professional teeth cleaning and dental check up. 

Teeth Whitening




If your teeth have become dulled, discolored and a little stained over the years, a professional teeth whitening treatment can work absolute wonders. The outcomes, while natural, can be like having brand new teeth! Better yet, a teeth whitening is one of the least expensive and easiest of all the cosmetic treatments offered by Pueblo cosmetic dentists, so chat to yours about the whitening system they offer.

In most cases, patients are given a custom-made mouth tray and a whitening kit containing a strong bleaching gel, which they can take home with them. Treatment is applied by the patient in the comfort of their own home, with the mouth tray being worn for an hour or two every evening for between one and two weeks, or until their teeth are the level of sparkling white they want.

Make sure to follow your dental healthcare professional’s instructions for dosage and treatment time.

Stay Tuned for Part 2 

To learn more about the various treatments that can be done and dental technologies available to improve the appearance of your teeth and gums, stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series.

Dental Implants Specialists in Pueblo CO Discuss the 12 Most Common Mouth Problems, PART 3

This three-part article series provides an explanation of the most common oral conditions, ailments and diseases that affect Americans today, from cold sores to gum disease.

Colorado Springs DentistWelcome back to our three-part article series on the 12 most common oral ailments, conditions and diseases. Over the course of the first two article posts, professionals of dental implants in Pueblo CO have explained the following 8 problems to us:

1. Cold sores or fever blisters

2. Oral thrush

3. Black hairy tongue

4. Canker sores or apthuous ulcers

5. Leukoplakia

6. Oral cancer

7. Temporomandibular joint disorders

8. Chipped teeth

We still have another 4 to go, so let’s wrap this series up!

9. Top Oral Problems: Gum Disease

With close to 80% of American adults presenting with some form or stage of gum disease, this oral ailment is a pervasive problem that is actually very easily prevented. “Gum disease is a bacterial infection of the gums caused by poor oral hygiene, a lack of professional attention and bad habits such as tobacco use, excessive drinking and drug abuse,” says an oral surgeon in Colorado Springs.

“Periodontitis, or gum disease, is caused by bacteria that have migrated deep down into the tight spaces between the teeth and the gums where they form pockets of infection. The acids produced by the bacteria corrode the tooth roots, break down the structures and ligaments that keep the teeth in the jaw and deteriorate bone health, which is why gum disease causes tooth loss.”

Timely treatment is essential because gum disease has been linked with several other whole-body ailments, including diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and respiratory disease.

10. Top Oral Problems: Aspirin Burn

Oral Surgeon in Colorado Springs

It’s a common old wives tale… tucking an aspirin in your cheek against a painful tooth is a sure fire way to get rid of a toothache. Well, according to dental implants specialists in Pueblo CO, it’s actually a sure fire way to damage your tooth and the surrounding soft tissue!  “Aspirin is acidic, which softens dental enamel and makes it more vulnerable to erosion. It also irritates and inflames your gums and can even burn a rough lesion into your cheek.”

Does it at least get rid of the toothache?

“No, aspirin blocks the transmission of pain signals to the brain and needs to be ingested. It doesn’t work when applied topically, so you’re wasting your time and doing unnecessary damage to your mouth,” says an oral surgeon in Colorado Springs.

11. Top Oral Problems: Tooth Decay and Oral Abscesses

Poor oral hygiene causes all sorts of nasty problems and oral ailments. A diet high in sugar and habits such as tobacco use, drug abuse and excessive drinking can also mess up the health of your teeth and gums. “Dental cavities, tooth discoloration and abscesses are all linked with a sloppy oral hygiene routine, which is essential for preventing infection,” say dental implants specialists in Pueblo CO. “Never ignore persistent tooth aches, gum inflammation and swelling as it might be a sign of serious infection, which can easily enter the bloodstream.”

12. Top Oral Problems: Bad Breath

Bad oral hygiene also leads to that greatest of social deterrents… bad breath. “Halitosis is caused by the unchecked accumulation of oral bacteria and food debris at the gum line, in, on and between your teeth and on your tongue. Brushing your teeth twice a day simply isn’t enough to keep your breath fresh. You should be brushing two to three times a day for at least two minutes at a time and make sure to floss before you go to bed at night. You also might want to incorporate an anti-bacterial mouthwash into your routine,” advises an oral surgeon in Colorado Springs. “Drink plenty of water; see your dentist and oral hygienist regularly and you should be able to keep your breath (and teeth) in beautiful minty condition.”