How a Cosmetic Dentist Can Help You

What does a cosmetic dentist do exactly? Learn how a cosmetic dentist can help you improve your smile.

Oftentimes, when people think of going to the dentist, they conjure up images of getting their teeth cleaned or having cavities filled. However, a cosmetic dentist does much more than help you with your basic dental hygiene. A cosmetic dentist can improve the aesthetics of your smile.

Boost Your Confidence

Simply changing the way your smile looks can dramatically change your appearance and your self-image. If you aren’t entirely happy with the way your teeth look when you speak, smile, and laugh, a cosmetic dentist can transform your smile with a variety of different techniques. Cosmetic dentists in Colorado Springs can also perform general dental procedures, so you can continue to see your cosmetic dentist after any procedures to ensure proper cleaning and care.



Are your teeth damaged, stained, misaligned, too small, chipped, discolored, or even missing? A skilled cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs can transform even the “worst” case of bad teeth into a movie star smile that looks natural. Services can include smile rejuvenation, porcelain veneers, crowns, lumineers, gum lift and recontouring, gum bleaching, snap-on smile, dental bridges, teeth whitening, and tooth-colored fillings to help you achieve the look you’ve always dreamed of having.

Fix Crooked Teeth

Misaligned and crowded teeth can place unnecessary stress on your jaw, or even make it difficult to eat or properly keep your teeth clean. They also don’t portray a professional or attractive appearance. A simple procedure such as Invisalign or porcelain veneers can straighten your teeth and dramatically improve the way you are perceived by others when you show your teeth.

If your teeth are discolored from tobacco, tea, coffee, soda, juice, poor oral hygiene, medications, or illness, this can simply be corrected with teeth whitening. Porcelain veneers and crowns may also be an option if your teeth are damaged.

Help For a Gummy Smile

Do your gums show when you smile? This is often referred to as a gummy smile, and it can make your teeth look too small. Upon first glance, it may even appear as if you have no teeth when you’re smiling really big and lots of gum tissue is visible. The great news is that this problem can be corrected. Gum recontouring, gum lift, lip surgery, botox, veneers, crowns, and sometimes even braces are used to correct this embarrassing condition. A cosmetic dentist can help you decide the right option for you.

Are your teeth worn down? This can actually lead to health problems if nothing is done to fix this. Thinning enamel can cause you to become susceptible to tooth decay. Crowns and veneers can correct worn teeth and prevent future health problems.

Do you have large spaces between your teeth that are unattractive and make it difficult to chew your food? Braces and Invisalign are smart options for spaced teeth. Sometimes crowns and veneers are also used.

No More Missing Teeth

Are you missing one or more teeth? This can often be one of the most confidence-lowering cosmetic concerns, but it also presents a health issue. Missing teeth expose your gums to bacteria and plaque, and can actually promote loss of bone tissue in your jaw. Fortunately, dental implants can permanently correct this problem. A dental implant looks and feels just like a natural tooth, and it preserves and protects the health of the surrounding teeth and gum tissue. A cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs can fix your missing teeth problem.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is of course one of the most common cosmetic dental procedures. It can be done much more safely inside a cosmetic dentist’s office than with over-the-counter whitening kits. Teeth whitening is also fairly inexpensive, and when done professionally, the results can last for a long time.


Cosmetic Dentist CO

The benefits of professional teeth whitening from a cosmetic dentist.

This article explains why professional teeth whitening is safer and more effective than at-home teeth whitening systems.

There is a growing demand for a wide variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures, and thanks to technology this area of dentistry continues to advance with better strategies for creating perfect smiles. Even if you have healthy teeth with no obvious chips, cracks, or cavities, you probably suffer from a bit of staining or yellowing of your teeth. Coffee lovers, tea drinkers, and closet soda addicts will most definitely have some staining. If you’re a health nut with a penchant for drinking green smoothies for breakfast and munching on kale chips at snack time, you might even develop a little bit of a mossy green tint to your teeth. Even your Instagram filter will not be able to make your teeth the sparkly white teeth color you need for your social media profile photos!

Boost your confidence, as well as your following on Instagram and Twitter, with some professional teeth whitening. The difference between professional whitening and an at-home whitening kit is striking. Let’s go over the top four benefits of using a cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs to make your teeth a sparkly movie star

1. Fast and Easy

There are distinct benefits to a professional teeth whitening. You’ll feel relaxed in the dental chair, knowing that an expert cosmetic dentist is helping you attain the perfect shade of white. There is no guesswork involved. There are many whitening agents on the market over-the-counter, but leaving them on too long or choosing too high of a strength of whitener could lead to tooth sensitivity that may be permanent. Obviously, that’s not pleasant. One simple visit to your cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs can whiten your teeth with long-lasting, safe results that won’t damage the enamel on your teeth. If your teeth are unusually dark, you may require two to six visits for optimal results.

2. Control and Guaranteed Safety

A cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs will ask you questions regarding the sensitivity of your teeth, and he or she will examine your teeth and the strength of your enamel. This will help your dentist determine the optimal strength of the solution to use on your teeth, and how long it should be applied (and whether you will require more than one treatment application). With an over-the-counter whitening system, you are largely shooting in shooting in the dark and guessing.



3. Movie Star White Guaranteed

If you want your teeth to be the beautiful color of a movie star’s pearly whites, a professional can get you there. With an over-the-counter solution, you probably get what you pay for. Do you think the movie stars whiten their teeth with products from a discount store?

4. No worries about tooth sensitivity and side effects

You may be wary of having your teeth whitened because you may have friends, family, or co-workers who used an at-home tooth whitening system, and now they can’t eat ice cream or drink hot mocha lattes. Many of the homes whitening systems contain a high amount of hydrogen peroxide, which can damage tooth enamel and cause your teeth to become sensitive to hot and cold. Professional cosmetic dentists in Colorado Springs don’t use teeth whitening solutions that can damage your enamel.


Colorado Dental Health

The Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening from a Cosmetic Dentist

There is a growing demand for a wide variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures, and thanks to technology this area of dentistry continues to advance with better strategies for creating perfect smiles. Even if you have healthy teeth with no obvious chips, cracks, or cavities, you probably suffer from a bit of staining or yellowing of your teeth. Coffee lovers, tea drinkers, and closet soda addicts will most definitely have some staining. If you’re a health nut with a penchant for drinking green smoothies for breakfast and munching on kale chips at snack time, you might even develop a little bit of a mossy green tint to your teeth. Even your Instagram filter will not be able to make your teeth the sparkly white teeth color you need for your social media profile photos!

Boost your confidence, as well as your following on Instagram and Twitter, with some professional teeth whitening. The difference between professional whitening and an at-home whitening kit is striking. Let’s go over the top four benefits of using a cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs to make your teeth a sparkly movie star

1. Fast and Easy

Cosmetic Dentist CO

There are distinct benefits to a professional teeth whitening. You’ll feel relaxed in the dental chair, knowing that an expert cosmetic dentist is helping you attain the perfect shade of white. There is no guesswork involved. There are many whitening agents on the market over-the-counter, but leaving them on too long or choosing too high of a strength of whitener could lead to tooth sensitivity that may be permanent. Obviously, that’s not pleasant. One simple visit to your cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs can whiten your teeth with long-lasting, safe results that won’t damage the enamel on your teeth. If your teeth are unusually dark, you may require two to six visits for optimal results.

2. Control and Guaranteed Safety

A cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs will ask you questions regarding the sensitivity of your teeth, and he or she will examine your teeth and the strength of your enamel. This will help your dentist determine the optimal strength of the solution to use on your teeth, and how long it should be applied (and whether you will require more than one treatment application). With an over-the-counter whitening system, you are largely shooting in shooting in the dark and guessing.

3. Movie Star White Guaranteed

If you want your teeth to be the beautiful color of a movie star’s pearly whites, a professional can get you there. With an over-the-counter solution, you probably get what you pay for. Do you think the movie stars whiten their teeth with products from a discount store?

4. No worries about tooth sensitivity and side effects

Dental Health ColoradoYou may be wary of having your teeth whitened because you may have friends, family, or co-workers who used an at-home tooth whitening system, and now they can’t eat ice cream or drink hot mocha lattes. Many of the homes whitening systems contain a high amount of hydrogen peroxide, which can damage tooth enamel and cause your teeth to become sensitive to hot and cold. Professional cosmetic dentists in Colorado Springs don’t use teeth whitening solutions that can damage your enamel.

Non-Surgical Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for Colorado Springs Residents

This article provides a complete overview of the various non-surgical cosmetic treatments that are available for the enhancement of one’s smile aesthetics.

Your smile is one of your most important and alluring physical assets. While a life of good oral hygiene and regularly scheduled dental check-ups and professional cleanings can go a long way in protecting your smile against the marching on of the years, eventually, general wear-and-tear, physical trauma and repeated exposure to staining foods and beverages can deteriorate the appearance of your pearly whites. This can make your smile appear dulled and uneven.

Thankfully, cosmetic dentists offer Colorado Springs residents an arsenal of non-surgical treatments and procedures that are designed to restore the appearance of even the most damaged and worn smile. In this article, we shall be providing a brief explanation of these procedures.

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Colorado Springs Cosmetic DentistTeeth Whitening: Teeth whitening is one of the quickest, easiest and simplest of the Colorado Springs cosmetic dentistry services. Patients usually have a custom mouth guard created for them by their dentists and then return home with a whitening kit. The treatment takes place over the course of one or more weeks and consists of wearing the mouth guard (with a special bleaching gel) daily for an hour or two. Teeth whitening can substantially lighten the shade of the dental enamel and remove the appearance of surface stains, making your smile appear much brighter and more naturally beautiful.

Dental Veneers: “Veneers are ultra-thin shells of ceramic material that are custom made to fit over the front surface of a damaged, cracked, uneven or deeply stained tooth. They cover up the appearance of deep staining and/or discoloration that cannot be addressed with a simple tooth whitening cosmetic treatment and can be used to replace missing tooth structure,” explains a cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs. “Dental veneers can also be used to fill large gaps between teeth, so they’re quite versatile in their applications!”

Bonding: Bonding involves the application of a special dental cement to the surfaces of a tooth that has sustained some kind of damage. “The cement used in the bonding process is composed of ceramic materials, so that it looks just like natural dental enamel, while still being hard and durable,” says the Colorado Springs cosmetic dentist. “Bonding can be used to address minor flaws in the tooth structure, as well as cavities, cracks, fissures and chips. It can also be applied to the biting surfaces of teeth with deep cusps, effectively helping to prevent decay caused by trapped food.”

 Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments At Colorado SpringsDental Crowns: Crowns are typically recommended for cases where a tooth has become so badly damaged or decayed that a large portion of the natural crown needs to be removed. The tooth is then filed down to support an aesthetic tooth replica, which is carefully fabricated to be virtually indistinguishable from a natural tooth in both function and appearance. “Dental crowns can dramatically improve the appearance of one’s smile, especially if a patient has very damaged, heavily stained and uneven teeth,” explains the Colorado Springs cosmetic dentist.

A Final Note…

Through one of the above-mentioned cosmetic treatments (teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, bonding and dental crowns), you too can have your smile confidence restored. Speak to a cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs about which treatment would best cater to your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions about Teeth Whitening in Pueblo CO

This article tackles some of the questions patients frequently ask cosmetic dentists about teeth whitening as a solution to dulled and discolored teeth.

FAQ: Why do teeth become stained?

Teeth WhiteningAnswer: Under the microscope, you’ll see that the enamel covering your teeth contains legions of tiny pores. Over the years and with repeated exposure to the tannins and dark pigments in the foods and beverages we eat and drink, the enamel can become stained and darker. Habits such as smoking and tobacco chewing contribute significantly. This is a gradual process that can be combated with a quick, easy and inexpensive teeth whitening treatment in Pueblo CO.

FAQ: How does a teeth whitening treatment work?

Answer: There are a variety of teeth whitening methods used by Pueblo CO dentists, but the most popular one is bleaching. This involves the exposure of the dental enamel to a special whitening gel that contains the bleaching agent, hydrogen peroxide. With time and repeated exposure, bleaching lightens the shade of the dental enamel, making it look whiter and more beautiful.

Dosages vary, but it’s usually administered via a customized mouth tray, which is lined with the special bleaching gel. This is worn for one or two hours every day for one to two weeks, or until the desired level of whiteness has been achieved. Dentists in Pueblo CO will advise you accordingly.

FAQ: What’s the advantage of getting teeth whitening done professionally when there are so many over-the counter products available?

Answer: It’s true; many toothpastes and mouthwashes come with a tiny concentration of bleaching agent, which help to keep your teeth glisteningly white. However, it is required by law that the concentration of bleach in over-the-counter products is severely restricted. While these products offer a great way to maintain a white smile, getting there is better and more efficiently achieved with a professional in-office teeth whitening treatment in Pueblo CO. With the supervision of a trained dentist, the products used can contain a greater concentration of bleaching agent, which means that you’ll achieve better, more natural results, faster.

FAQ: Is there a limit on how frequently I can have my teeth whitened?

Dentists in Pueblo COAnswer: With professional teeth whitening, you should only need to go for treatment once to enjoy results that last at least a few years. If you are a serious coffee drinker and/or a smoker, you may need to come in more frequently. Dentists in Pueblo CO will advise patients accordingly as to what treatment frequency is safe. If you are not happy with the results of bleaching and if your teeth still look discolored and stained, you may want to consider an alternative cosmetic procedure. Dental veneers offer a fantastic aesthetic solution to teeth that have sustained the kind of deep staining that a bleaching cannot remove.

FAQ: Is teeth whitening bad for my teeth?

Answer: If performed by a trained and experienced teeth whitening professional in Pueblo CO and if you adhere closely to his or her recommendations, this treatment is entirely safe. If, however, you use too much of the bleaching gel and for too long, you can risk alkaline burns to your gums. A fairly common side effect of teeth bleaching is tooth sensitivity, but this can be combated with special toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Speak to your dentist if you have noticed anything out of the ordinary during the course of your teeth whitening treatment.