Dental Implants Dentist in Colorado Springs Gets Candid About Teeth Implant Technology, PART 2

In this four-part article series, we speak to an experienced Colorado Springs dentist about dental implants, what they are, how they work and what patients can expect from getting them.

Welcome to the second installment of this four-part article series in which we speak to an experienced dental implant dentist in Colorado Springs about the virtues of this cutting-edge teeth replacement technology. Previously, in Part 1, it was explained what dental implants are, how it is they become non-removable once surgically placed and what kind of cases they can be used to treat.

We concluded Part 1 with the revelation that today’s dental implant procedures have become far more cost effective than those of yesteryear. Before we delve deeper into that issue, however, let’s take a look at how dental implants compare with alternative teeth replacement technologies.

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Many Colorado Springs residents and those across the country are understandably concerned about cost. When it comes to replacing missing teeth, what options can you provide patients with and which are the cheapest?

Cosmetic Dentist in Colorado Springs: “Understandably, yes. We do offer patients a variety of tooth replacement options, depending upon their specific case. Generally speaking, porcelain bridges are the least costly. We do, however, recommend dental implants to our patients because they typically work out to be more cost effective in the long run. Dental implants don’t usually require any professional maintenance once placed and they are substantially more comfortable. They can also last at least three times longer, while bridges can require replacement after 12 years. So, while dental implants may constitute a greater initial investment, they pay off in the long run.”

What are traditional bridges?

Colorado Springs Dental Implant Dentist: “A traditional bridge is really just a device – usually made of porcelain and other composite materials – that is used to replace one or more missing teeth. It makes use of the neighboring healthy teeth for support and provides the patient with an aesthetic and functional replacement crown/s.”

Do you find them to be problematic?

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Cosmetic Dentist in Colorado Springs: “To be fair, bridges can provide patients with perfectly good outcomes and they do tend to cost less than dental implants, which is why many people opt for them instead. The problem with traditional bridges is that they only replace the crowns of the teeth and not the roots. This can cause the underlying bone to atrophy over time, which results in a drop in the bone level. Infection can then become a problem because food and other debris can become trapped underneath the bridge.

Many patients also complain about bridges not feeling natural. They are then looking at the need to have their bridge replaced or repaired after 10 or more years, so this is why many dentists simply recommend that patients have problematic teeth replaced with dental implants from the get go.”

Do dental implants prevent this atrophy from happening?

Colorado Springs Dental Implant Dentist: “Well you see, what many people don’t know is that the roots of the teeth are essential for channeling the eating forces into the supporting bone tissue. This keeps it stimulated and healthy, much like muscles are kept bulky and healthy through regular exercise. When the roots of the teeth are lost and not replaced, the underlying bone atrophies and wastes away over time, which is why people without teeth have such small, fragile lower jaws. Dental implants replace the roots of the teeth and this helps to maintain jawbone health and bulk. This is one of the most important reasons dental healthcare professionals prefer dental implants to any other teeth replacement solution.”

Stay Tuned for Part 3

Stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series to find out more about dental implants and what patients can expect from getting missing and/or irreparably damaged teeth replaced.

Cosmetic Dentist in Colorado Springs Gets Candid About Dental Implants, PART 1

In this four-part article series, we speak to an experienced Colorado Springs dentist about dental implants, what they are, how they work and what patients can expect from getting them.

Dental implants are widely thought to be the most sophisticated technology available for the replacement of missing teeth and, according to the experienced cosmetic dentist we spoke to in Colorado Springs, the proof is in the pudding. Dental implants boast a number of benefits over and above the traditional approaches to replacing teeth and they also last far longer. In order to develop a better appreciation for this “breakthrough” technology, we asked our dentist a number of questions and you shall find his answers to those questions in this article and the next three in the series…

Let’s begin by understanding exactly what dental implants are, doctor.

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Colorado Springs Cosmetic Dentist: “Dental implants are the devices specially trained dentists use to replace the roots of teeth that have had to be extracted because they are too decayed or damaged to be restored. These artificial roots look like tiny metal screws and because they are made from titanium metal, the bone in the jaw will actually fuse to them essentially leaving the implant fixed and non-removable. We then attach a customized replacement tooth or set of teeth to the top of the implant.”

So the dental implants themselves are not actually what we see when someone who has had teeth replaced smiles, correct?

Colorado Springs Cosmetic Dentist: “Correct. It is the goal of any dental implant dentist to achieve smile perfection, which means the implant remains hidden beneath the gum line while the artificial replacement tooth is visible and carefully fabricated to match the neighboring teeth in aesthetics.”

Is the process that allows dental implants to become non-removable similar to joint replacement and bone repair using titanium implants?

Colorado Springs Dental Implant Dentist: “The process is precisely the same. It’s called osseointegration, which refers to the knitting of the bone tissue to the surface of the implant. Titanium is perhaps the only material in the world that is accepted by the body and not rejected by infection.”

Very interesting! Moving along, can dental implants be used to replace more than one tooth?


Colorado Springs Dentist: “Absolutely! We routinely provide patients with multiple tooth replacement procedures, whether they have lost two, three or more teeth. We can also do full mouth reconstruction on patients who have lost all of their teeth over the years or whose teeth are in such a bad state that they will eventually lose them all (see image above). Essentially, no matter how many teeth you are missing, we can craft a strategic dental implant solution.”

Wouldn’t that work out to be incredibly expensive?

Colorado Springs Dentist: “Actually, no… the introduction of more sophisticated dental implant technology and techniques has rendered oral rehabilitation substantially more affordable. Instead of the hundreds of thousands of dollars one would traditionally spend on getting a full set of non-removable teeth, you’d be looking at tens, which is a small price to pay when you consider that you’re having an essential body part replaced!”

Stay Tuned for Part 2

Stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series to find out more about dental implants and what patients can expect from getting missing and/or irreparably damaged teeth replaced.

A Colorado Springs Dental Implant Dentist Busts Major Myths About Oral Health, PART 2

Using sound logic and expert advice, this four-part article series dispels some of the most common myths surrounding oral health and dental treatment.

Welcome to the second installment of this four-part article series on the most common myths on dental health.

The very biggest obstacle in the path of perfect oral health is almost always ignorance. But, more than just not knowing any better, there are a number of myths that many Colorado Springs residents dangerously believe to be fact. And by adhering to the falsities perpetuated by these myths, these people put themselves at a much higher risk of doing permanent damage to their teeth and gums.

In Part 1, a dental implant dentist in Colorado Springs discussed the first two myths:

Myth # 1: Your oral health has little to do with your general health.

Horribly untrue: you eat with your mouth and you breathe through your mouth, so if it’s full of bacteria, you put your body at much greater risk of infection.

Myth # 2: If it doesn’t hurt, I can live with it.

Gum disease, surface cavities and even oral cancer frequently DON’T present with painful symptoms. And you certainly cannot live with those!

Let’s move along and take a look at the next two common misconceptions…

Myth # 3: If it’s not broken, why fix it?

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Unless you painstakingly examine each and every tooth and your gums with a magnified dental mirror, you cannot know whether it’s “broken,” can you? Dental problems rarely tend to announce themselves with much fanfare. Rather, they begin small, at which stage they’re easy and inexpensive to treat, and they develop and worsen over time. By the time you do realize you’ve got a problem that requires professional attention, the necessary treatment will likely be a lot more complex and a lot more expensive,” explains a Colorado Springs family dentist.

There are two important messages for Colorado Springs residents to realize: (1) Just because you don’t notice anything wrong with your teeth doesn’t mean there isn’t anything wrong. And (2) dentists are trained to and have the specialized equipment necessary to identify problems in their infancy, or that may be hidden from the human eye. They can then provide early treatment that will prevent you from sustaining permanent damage. This is why routine preventative appointments with your dentist are essential for the maintenance of excellent oral health and hygiene.”

Myth # 4: It’s normal for your gums to bleed when you brush or floss.

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If you got in the shower and started bleeding from your skin where you scrubbed it, would you think it was normal? No! You’d probably jump out the shower and go straight to the doctor’s office. Why are your gums any different?

The gums tend to bleed when they have been weakened by infection, which means that your oral health is compromised,” warns the Colorado Springs dental implant dentist. “If your gums bleed quite a bit when you brush them, it probably means that you have gingivitis or even periodontitis – gum disease. In addition to being at risk of ultimately losing your teeth, other symptoms of these conditions include really bad breath, so you may want to have that sorted out by going to your dentist before you find yourself losing friends.”

What if I’ve been told I’m in good oral health, but my gums still bleed?

You may want to switch to a softer toothbrush and ease up on the pressure; hard, vigorous brushing can cause the gums to tear and bleed. Most family dentists recommend using a “soft” or “medium” bristled toothbrush and short, brisk strokes, rather than long, hard scrubs.”

Stay Tuned for Part 3

To read about more major myths that could potentially be disastrous for your oral health, stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series.

A Colorado Springs Family Dentist Busts Major Myths About Oral Health, PART 1

Using sound logic and expert advice, this four-part article series dispels some of the most common myths surrounding oral health and dental treatment.

In an effort to purge the dangerous dental myths from the minds of Colorado Springs’ residents, this four-part article series presents to you what an experienced family dentist has to say about the following very common misconceptions. And if there’s one medical professional that’s extremely qualified to talk about the damage that can be potentially done to your teeth through ignorance, it’s a surgeon who routinely repairs this damage!

Let’s get started…

Myth # 1: Your oral health has little to do with your general health.


Actually, your oral health and general health share a very direct and intimate connection,” says a Colorado Springs dental implant surgeon. “Not only does your body receive its nutrition through the oral cavity, but it’s also the primary airway. People who do not brush and floss regularly will have a lot more oral bacteria in their mouths, which are easily introduced into the rest of the body via swallowing and breathing. So, the unhealthier your mouth is, the greater the risk to your general health.

This especially becomes a problem if you develop gum disease, which is an aggressive bacterial infection of the gums. It is an accepted fact amongst the medical community that gum disease shares a link with potentially fatal illnesses, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease and liver and kidney disease. Further links between gum disease and osteoporosis, Rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy complications are supported by research.

It’s important for Colorado Springs residents to understand that poor oral hygiene leads to gum disease, which is a systemic and inflammatory disease, meaning that it affects all of your body’s major systems and organs. Therefore, to ignore the health of your teeth and gums may come at the cost of your life, and this is no inflammatory statement… if you’ll excuse the pun.”

Myth # 2: If it doesn’t hurt, I can live with it.

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There are many oral ailments – and potentially fatal ones too – that do not necessarily cause pain,” warns the family dentist. “Colorado Springs residents frequently wait until the their problems start causing them discomfort before they seek treatment, which is a very erroneous philosophy to have. For example, you can quite happily live with gum disease for many years before it starts causing symptoms that simply cannot be ignored, by which time the damage may be irreversible.

Another example: A cavity can go undetected until it becomes so big that the pulp chamber is exposed and infected with bacteria. Only once this has happened – only once it is too late for a straightforward filling – will you likely experience the pain associated with endodontic infection. And then, of course, the treatment solution will probably be root canal therapy and a dental crown, which is far more extensive and expensive than a simple filling. Then there is oral cancer, which can appear as painless sores…”

The take-home message here is that ignoring an oral problem, or not going for routine dental examinations (whether you feel something is wrong or not) may end up costing you substantially more money to get fixed, if it can be fixed at all,” says a Colorado Springs family dentist. “By neglecting to receive regular professional attention, you risk permanent damage to your teeth and possibly even tooth loss, not to mention the having to pay the associated bills. Prevention is always better than cure!”

Stay Tuned for Part 2

To read about more major myths that could potentially be disastrous for your oral health, stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series.

A Colorado Springs Oral Surgeon’s Comprehensive Guide to Sedation Dentistry, PART 4

This four-part article series provides an in-depth overview of sedation dentistry, what it is, how it works, the benefits it offers and what patients can expect from its different methods of administration.

Welcome to the final installment of this four-part article series on sedation dentistry and what patients need and want to know about this very beneficial branch of dental healthcare. Previously, in Part 3, an experienced oral surgeon in Colorado Springs began describing the different methods for the administration of sedation medications. We looked into oral conscious sedation, which involves taking one or two small pills about an hour prior to dental treatment; and we looked at inhalation sedation, which involves breathing in a mixture of nitrous oxide gas and oxygen whilst in the dentist’s chair. Both achieve the same wonderful, anxiety-free results.

Now, let’s look at the final of the three primary modes of sedation administration…

The Primary Modes of Sedation, Continued

  • Intravenous (IV) Sedation

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For intravenous (IV) sedation, as the name suggests, the calming medications are administered directly into the bloodstream, via an intravenous drip. The effects are similar to the other two methods and will make a patient feel completely calm, relaxed and as though they are in a dream-like state. They are unlikely to remember much about their procedure, although they will be able to respond to the dentist’s questions during treatment.

The procedure with IV sedation starts out the same as the other methods in that we will sit you down and explain to you in detail what you can expect before you undergo treatment,” says a Colorado Springs dental implant dentist. “We’ll rub a little anesthetic gel on your hand to make sure that you don’t feel any pain when we insert the needle. Once everything is ready and you’re happy to proceed, we’ll gently inject the sedative drug into the IV drip and you’ll notice an increasing sense of sleepiness and relaxation. We’ll do this gradually so that the onset of sedation doesn’t alarm you.

And when you’re at the desired level of sedation, we’ll begin your treatment. All the while we will be closely monitoring your vitals and the administration of the medications. Once the procedure has been completed, we’ll cease feeding the sedative into the IV tube and you’ll be allowed to recover in your own time. You will probably feel sleepy for quite some time after treatment, so don’t expect to get in your car and drive off home!”

Some Important Facts to Know About Sedation Dentistry

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Image courtesy of Free Digital Photos

Not all Colorado Springs implant dentists are qualified to offer their patients sedation, which means that they will be required to call in a specialist to do it for them. It’s often best to find a dental implant surgeon who also has the necessary training and qualifications to offer sedation, because it’s quicker, easier and eliminates having to foot the bill for the specialist’s services.

You will need to plan accordingly if you are going to be sedated for your dental procedure or treatment. You must arrange transportation from the dental office, because you won’t be fit to drive and you should take the rest of the day off from work. Don’t plan any strenuous activities either: rather have a good rest and wake up the following morning completely recovered.

In addition to avoiding exercise or any strenuous activities, stay away from alcohol and don’t eat a heavy meal straight after treatment,” advises the Colorado Springs dental implant dentist. “Have a rest first and then enjoy a light meal. You may experience the odd dizzy spell after (especially) IV sedation, so try to limit your activity and lie down if you do feel faint.”

Are There Any Patients Who Aren’t Considered Candidates for Sedation?

Unfortunately, yes, and they are:

  • Patients who have a history of allergic reaction to sedation medications.

  • Patients who are pregnant.

  • Patients with glaucoma or any kind of kidney or lung problem.

  • Patients with blood pressure or heart problems.

Always notify your dentist of any medications or of any allergies you may have to medication, no matter how unrelated you think it may be,” urge oral surgeons in Colorado Springs. “We don’t care if you’ve been taking aspirin for a headache: tell us about it. Being on medication or having an illness that might keep you from receiving sedation doesn’t mean you can’t receive treatment. We may be able to find a creative way around the problem by seeking the advice of your doctor, so don’t despair.”

Colorado Springs Dentists Explain 10 Smile-Preserving Changes You Could Make Today, PART 2

This four-part article series explains 10 changes anyone can make to their daily routine, lifestyle and habits that can help to extend the life and beautiful appearance of their teeth and gums.

Welcome to the second installment of this four-part article series on the changes you could make today to ensure the long term health of your teeth and the long term beauty of your smile. In our previous post, Part 1, Colorado Springs dentists explained the following three changes that we should all make to our daily routines:

  1. Brush your teeth for just a little bit longer each day. 20 Seconds per brush is just not sufficient enough to keep your teeth and gums free from the bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.
  2. Brush your tongue or make use of a tongue-scraper to remove bacteria and food debris from its tiny cracks and crannies. This will also help to keep your breath fresher for longer.
  3. See your oral hygienist for a professional teeth cleaning at least once per year. It’s an investment that will help to keep your teeth beautifully clean and your mouth healthier.

Let’s continue looking at the various lifestyle changes you could make to prevent you from needing new teeth.




Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 4: Chew Sugar-free Gum

If you don’t have time to brush your teeth after lunch, or you work closely with colleagues and clients and are self-conscious about the quality of your breath, you should keep a pack of sugar-free gum close at hand.

“Chewing gum doesn’t only camouflage bad breath; it actually plays a role in busting it altogether,” say Colorado Springs dental implant dentists. “By stimulating the production of saliva, chewing gum helps to wash away food debris that might otherwise encourage the growth of oral bacteria and taint your breath.”

Chewing gum that contains xylitol, in particular, is great for oral health because it helps to remineralize your teeth after an acidic meal. Acid softens your dental enamel, leaving it more vulnerable to erosion and so, chewing gum that contains xylitol helps to neutralize the PH levels in your mouth and strengthen your teeth.




Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 5: Avoid Certain Candies

We all know that a diet high in sugar really isn’t for our oral health, nor is it great for our general health. But if you’ve got a sweet tooth there are certain compromises you can make to limit the impact upon the long-term health of your teeth and gums…

If sugar is your Achilles’ heel, opt for chocolate instead of hard candy, boiled sweets and chewy, sticky treats. Chocolate molecules are covered in fatty compounds, which reduces adhesion and helps your saliva to wash them off your teeth. Chewy, sticky candies – such as caramel, toffee and taffy – can get stuck in the cusps of your molars for much longer and where they can fuel bacterial growth. Hard candy and boiled sweets, on the other hand, can actually damage the enamel of your teeth if you bite down onto them.

“A lifelong addiction to this kind of candy can actually cause tooth decay and, eventually, the need for new teeth,” warn dental healthcare professionals in Colorado Springs. 

Stay Tuned for Part 3

To read more about the small changes you could make today – changes that could keep your smile beautiful and youthful for much longer – stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series.

Dental Implants News, Colorado Springs: 10 Smile-Preserving Changes You Could Make Today, PART 1

This four-part article series explains 10 changes anyone can make to their daily routine, lifestyle and habits that can help to extend the life and beautiful appearance of their teeth and gums.

Your teeth are more than just tools for eating; a healthy smile is what makes you YOU! Unfortunately, as is most often the case, you don’t truly appreciate what you have until you lose it, which is why Colorado Springs dentists urge patients to take good lifelong care of their teeth. You don’t want to have to lose one or more of your pearly whites to appreciate just what a difference good oral health makes to your smile.

And so, in this four-part article series, we will be exploring the small changes we could make to our routine, lifestyle and habits today. These changes, while small, could help to ensure that we keep our teeth and gums in the best possible condition for life.

Let’s get started!

Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 1: Brush Your Teeth for a Little Longer




“Most Colorado Springs residents only brush their teeth for a total of 35 seconds per day, when in fact you should brush your teeth for a full two minutes at a time,” say dental implants dentists. “The logic here is simple. The longer you brush your teeth for, the more plaque, food debris and bacteria you will remove, which won’t only help to keep your breath fresher for longer, but will also keep cavities at bay. Even if you find yourself pressed for time, try to brush your teeth for at least 30 seconds longer than you usually do. It could make a world of difference.”

Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 2: Brush Your Tongue 

“Stick your tongue out and have a good look at its surface. It’s very textured and full of small cracks and crannies where opportunistic oral bacteria can hide out. It is therefore just as important to give your tongue a good brush as it is to brush your teeth thoroughly,” say Colorado Springs dentists. “You can either make use of your toothbrush or invest in a specialized tongue scraper. Both will remove the bacteria and food that accumulate on the surface of your tongue throughout the day. This will improve your breath considerably and prevent oral bacteria from gaining a foothold in your mouth!”

Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 3: Go for a Professional Cleaning




Pick up the phone, give your dentist’s office a call and book yourself in for a professional teeth cleaning with your oral hygienist. Even Colorado Springs residents with the most rigorous of home oral hygiene habits will require the far more thorough services of a hygienist at least once per year. Plaque, if left in place for too long, eventually solidifies to become what we call tartar.

While brushing and flossing can remove plaque from your teeth and gums, tartar needs to be scraped off using professional dental tools, because it’s a lot like cement. Tartar causes cavities, gingivitis, gum disease and eventually the need for dental implants. So, if you haven’t seen your oral hygienist in more than a year, it’s time to pick up the phone.

Stay Tuned for Part 2 

To read more about the small changes you could make today – changes that could keep your smile beautiful and youthful for much longer – stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series.

Want New Teeth? A Look Into The Cosmetic Dentist’s Repertoire For Working Magic On Colorado Springs Residents’ Damaged Teeth, PART 4

This four-part article series takes a closer look at the various technologies and techniques available for the repair and replacement of damaged, worn and discolored teeth.

Welcome to the final installment of this four-part article series on the various tools, treatments, techniques and technology available for the perfection of smiles. So far, our panel of Colorado Springs dentists has explained the following incredible techniques for really improving upon the smile aesthetics of previously unhappy patients:

  • Professional Teeth Cleaning
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Dental Veneers
  • Dental Bonding and Tooth Colored Fillings
  • Dental Implants
  • Dental Crowns (Tooth and Implant-Supported)
  • Dental Bridges (Tooth and Implant-Supported)

In our previous article post, Part 3, we introduced dental implants as an excellent solution for Colorado Springs residents who have lost one or more of their natural teeth to decay or accidental trauma. Now, in this our final article installment, we shall take a look at the versatility of this revolutionary dental technology.


Dental implant


Single dental implants

As it was explained in our previous article post, dental implants can be used to replace one or more isolated missing teeth. By supporting a customized ceramic tooth crown, they are virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth and function very similarly too. Perhaps most noticeably, new teeth implants typically feel like natural teeth, which is a great benefit when you consider that one of the key complaints with other dental technologies is that they feel foreign and uncomfortable.

If cared for properly and placed by reputable and experienced dental implants surgeons, Colorado Springs residents can look forward to getting many decades of use out of their new teeth implants with little need for repeat expenses and additional costs. 

Full Mouth Reconstruction




Gone are the days when the only teeth replacement option open to patients who had lost most or all of their original dentition to decay was the traditional removable denture. Nowadays, dental implants are routinely used to reconstruct a patient’s entire dentition, from the back molars to the front incisors. There are a variety of techniques designed to achieve full mouth reconstruction, but the one with the greatest share of the limelight is the “All-on-4,” which has successfully undercut the cost of traditional new teeth implant methods by tens of thousands of dollars. It’s also typically able to provide Colorado Springs residents with beautiful new, non-removable teeth almost always in just one day! This is a feat that is unprecedented in the field of dental implantology, hence the popular status of the “All-on-4.”

The “All-on-4” works by the careful and precise placement and angulation of only four dental implants in the top and/or lower jaw, depending on the patient’s needs. Each of these implants is strategically placed in regions of the jaw that are bulkier than others, so that the dentists can avoid the need for bone grafting surgery, even in patients who have lost a fair amount of bone volume to atrophy over the years. A customized prosthetic dental bridge is then firmly attached to these four implants, thereby providing the patient with dental implants and a beautiful set of teeth and gums, which they can typically use right away!

In Conclusion 

You’re not alone if you dream of having new teeth. The great news is that there is a fantastic suite of options for you to choose from and with the wide availability of dental financing there is little excuse not to book an appointment with your dentist right away!

Lost a Tooth? Now What Colorado Springs Family Dentist Walk Us Through the Process, PART 3

This four-part article series explains what you should do in the event that you lose one or more of your adult teeth, whether it is the result of an accident or tooth decay.

Welcome to the third installment of this four-part article series in which we speak to a panel of experienced Colorado Springs family dentists on tooth loss and the virtues of dental implants. In our previous article installment, it was explained that dental implant procedures are typically done in a separate appointment so that your dentist or surgeon had adequate time to plan treatment in greater detail. Now, let’s take a look what happens on D-day!

On the day of my procedure, what can I expect?




“If you’re only having one tooth replaced, you’ll arrive at the dental implant facility at the scheduled time. In most cases of single tooth replacement, provided the damage is isolated to the tooth and has not included the jawbone as might be the case with a bad accident, the procedure shouldn’t take more than an hour. Afterwards, you’ll be free to return home with some prescription pain-killers, some anti-inflammatories and post-operative care instructions.”

Does it hurt to have implants placed?

“In preparation for treatment, the gum surrounding the implant site will be thoroughly numbed so that you don’t feel a thing throughout the procedure,” explain the dental implant dentists in Colorado Springs. “If you’re really nervous, anxious or uncomfortable, you can speak to your dentist or surgeon about also receiving sedation. This’ll help the treatment whizz by without you really registering what’s going on, but you’ll need to arrange for someone to drive you home.”

What is involved in sedation? Is it true that it makes you feel awful afterwards? 

“The sedative medication used by most dental implants surgeons is easily metabolized by the body, so once its effects have worn off, most patients don’t feel anything other than a little tired. It’s extremely unusual for patients to experience “hangover” symptoms. If you have in the past, you may be slightly allergic to certain sedative medications and you should mention this to your dentist or surgeon.”

“With regards to how sedation works, there are three primary modes of administration: (1) nitrous oxide gas, which is breathed in through an oxygen mask, (2) Intravenous sedation, which is administered directly into the vein and (3) a pill, which is usually taken 30 minutes to an hour before the procedure. The method used varies depending on which dental implant surgeon you go to in Colorado Springs, so just speak to yours during the planning stages of your treatment.”

After sedation and anesthesia and before I’m allowed to return home, what exactly happens during dental implant treatment?




“In straight-forward cases of tooth replacement, any remaining tooth structure will be removed from the jaw and the implant site will be thoroughly cleaned to minimize the risk of post-operative infection. The dental implant will then be gently inserted into the prepared site and any incisions in the gums sewn up. Remember, you won’t typically feel much during this entire process because your gums will have been thoroughly numbed. It’s only once surgery has been drawn to a close that your new tooth or healing cap will be attached to the implant. Some modern dental implant procedures provide patients with an implant and a new tooth on the same day,” say Colorado Springs family dentists.”

Stay Tuned for Part 4 

To find out more about the journey involved in getting teeth replaced with dental implants, stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series.

Dental Implants Vs. Bridges and Dentures

Have you ever wondered what the difference between implants, dentures, and bridges are? This article answers your questions.




What’s the first physical feature you notice when you first meet someone? Perhaps you would guess that it’s their clothing, hairstyle, eyes, or even their physique. However, think about the last time a friend or family member got a new haircut and you didn’t even notice until he or she mentioned it to you. And recall the last time you tried to locate a friend in a crowd, but you forgot what color shirt she was wearing (and whether it was long-sleeved or short-sleeved). Eyewitnesses of crimes may even fail to remember the hair color of the perpetrator, as well as body build and approximate height! Few people actually look at another person’s eyes, and many don’t know whether their best friend has brown or blue eyes.


One thing that people always notice and never forget is a person’s teeth. If you have a missing tooth, yellowing tooth, a noticeably false tooth, or a gold or silver tooth, this will stand out in a person’s mind as being your most prominent physical feature, even if the other person only saw your teeth for half a second. That’s how important the appearance of the teeth are.  And that’s why the way your teeth look can affect every aspect of your social life, from the personal to the professional.


If you are missing one or more teeth, a general dentist may recommend getting dentures or a bridge (or both). These are like snap-on teeth. You must remove them after eating or drinking anything other than water, and you’ll need to soak them in denture cleaner every day to prevent odors and bacterial buildup. They’re much cheaper than implants, but the problem is that they must be replaced every few years. This can add up and eventually be more expensive than dental implants in the long run. Another problem with dentures in Colorado Springs is that they don’t protect the surrounding teeth, gum tissue, and bone tissue in the jaw. After many years of wearing dentures, you have a higher risk of developing gum disease and losing more teeth. In addition, you are almost guaranteed osteoporosis of the jaw, which can result in a sunken-in facial appearance.


Dental implants in Colorado Springs, on the other hand, have many advantages. They are permanent, and they don’t need to be removed for cleaning. You clean them just like you clean your natural teeth. Also, they protect the surrounding teeth and gum tissue, preventing gum disease and further tooth loss. They will also make your jawbone stronger, protecting you from osteoporosis of the jawline and the facial deformities that can occur from such. Dental implants in Colorado Springs do require surgical placement in the jaw, but this is only a minor surgery which is done under conscious sedation and local anesthesia. Therefore, the risks are minimal and almost anyone is a good candidate for the procedure.

