Fun Facts from the Pueblo Dentist!

This article presents a number of really interesting and useful facts concerning oral health and oral hygiene care.

Your smile is an incredibly important physical and social asset. What makes a smile beautiful are healthy teeth and gums, so let’s take a look at some super interesting facts about oral health and healthcare that could bring you closer to understanding what it takes to keep your smile gorgeous and confident.

Fun Dental Fact 1: What do people first notice about you when they meet you?

According to a survey of more than 1,000 Pueblo residents, almost half (47%) said that the very first thing they notice about someone is their smile. The rest said:

  • 31% eyes
  • 11% smell
  • 7% clothes
  • 4% hair

So, the next time you spend money on new clothing and a fancy haircut rather than seeing the Pueblo dentist for a check-up, think again! You’re investing in the wrong attribute!

Fun Dental Fact 2: Red wine, in moderation, is good for your teeth!

As if we needed another reason to love red wine, Pueblo CO dental implant surgeons come along with the revelation that red wine contains certain chemicals that prevent oral bacteria from sticking to your teeth and gums! While it’s not recommended that you brush your teeth with red wine, that glass at dinnertime just became more enjoyable!

Fun Dental Fact 3: Orthodontic treatment is important for more than just straight teeth and a pretty smile…

Straight teeth aren’t only prettier and more aesthetically pleasing, they also tend to be healthier, because they’re easier to clean. According to many dentists in Pueblo Co, skew and overlapping teeth trap food and bacteria more easily and this can lead to a greater risk of cavities and tooth decay.

Straight teeth also facilitate better speech, better chewing function and more confidence at school or the professional working environment.

Fun Dental Fact 4: Coconuts are super good for your teeth

Coconuts contain certain chemical agents that are known for their anti-bacterial properties, which is why their oil is the preferred choice of those who like “oil pulling.” For everyone else, they’re a delicious and healthy snack – buy them fresh and enjoy!

Not-so Fun Dental Fact 5: Gum disease can make you VERY sick

DentalAccording to dental implant surgeons in Pueblo, at least 80% of American adults have gum disease. Gum disease has systemic effects and leaves you more vulnerable to a shocking variety of illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, dementia and liver and kidney disease.

In fact, according to one Harvard study, having gum disease can increase your risk of kidney and pancreatic cancer by 62%! It also increases your risk of oral cancer. By receiving prompt treatment for gum disease, you can extend your life by an average of 6,2 years.

Fun Dental Fact 6: Chewing gum is good for your teeth

Chewing sugar-free gum with xylitol is actually really good for your teeth and gums, because it encourages the production of saliva, which contains anti-bacterial properties. Saliva also helps to wash away food debris that might be encouraging the growth of oral bacteria and it aids in the remineralization (strengthening) of your dental enamel after eating.

Fun Dental Fact 7: Electric vs. manual toothbrushes?

There isn’t much difference between electronic and manual toothbrushing. What’s important, say Pueblo dentists, is how frequently and thoroughly you brush. No amount of fancy technology can rival a good brushing technique and good diligence.

Fun Dental Fact 8: Bleeding gums isn’t normal

It’s not normal for your gums to bleed when you brush! This could either be a sign that you’re brushing too hard, in which case you should invest in a soft-bristled brush and ease up on the pressure, or it could be a sign of gum infection (gingivitis) and gum disease (periodontitis). Better book an appointment with your dentist to be sure!

Want New Teeth? The Dentist’s Repertoire For Working Magic On Pueblo CO Residents’ Damaged Teeth, PART 1

This four-part article series takes a closer look at the various technologies and techniques available for the repair and replacement of damaged, worn and discolored teeth.

Healthy teeth and a beautiful, confident smile is a fundamental tool for communication. Imagine how your ability to interact with other people, both professionally and socially, might be compromised without being able to smile openly? For many Pueblo CO residents, this doesn’t require much of a stretch of the imagination, because they have been living with smiles they have been embarrassed about for many years. Thankfully, for those who find themselves in need or want of new teeth, there are several options offered by cosmetic dentists and you don’t need to take out a second mortgage on your home to afford them!

In this four-part article series, a panel of Pueblo CO dental implant dentists chat to us about the various tools, technologies and techniques available for the improvement of smile aesthetics.

Professional Teeth Cleaning




Remember all those many years ago when your mom would force you to go to the dentist and you’d first spend a good 30 minutes having each and every tooth scraped and polished before actually going in for your appointment. That’s called a professional teeth cleaning and it’s absolutely necessary every six months in order to eliminate the permanent deposits of calculus that accumulate on the crowns of your teeth and just below the gum line.

“Routine professional teeth cleanings play a keen preventative role in keeping your teeth and gums healthy,” explain Pueblo dentists. “They help to prevent the development of cavities, gum inflammation and disease, which all contributes to poor smile aesthetics and ultimately the need for new teeth.”

Another great benefit afforded by frequent professional teeth cleanings is that they really make your teeth look amazing! By removing the yellower plaque and tartar from your teeth, they are left looking whiter and their lines more defined. The elimination of all that bacteria (present in plaque and tartar) also allow your gums a chance to heal, which can reduce inflammation, leaving them looking pink and healthy.

So, before you consider an expensive cosmetic treatment, you may want to consider simply improving upon hygiene and going for a professional teeth cleaning and dental check up. 

Teeth Whitening




If your teeth have become dulled, discolored and a little stained over the years, a professional teeth whitening treatment can work absolute wonders. The outcomes, while natural, can be like having brand new teeth! Better yet, a teeth whitening is one of the least expensive and easiest of all the cosmetic treatments offered by Pueblo cosmetic dentists, so chat to yours about the whitening system they offer.

In most cases, patients are given a custom-made mouth tray and a whitening kit containing a strong bleaching gel, which they can take home with them. Treatment is applied by the patient in the comfort of their own home, with the mouth tray being worn for an hour or two every evening for between one and two weeks, or until their teeth are the level of sparkling white they want.

Make sure to follow your dental healthcare professional’s instructions for dosage and treatment time.

Stay Tuned for Part 2 

To learn more about the various treatments that can be done and dental technologies available to improve the appearance of your teeth and gums, stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series.

Colorado Springs Dentists Answer: What Could Be Causing Your Bad Breath? PART 3

This three-part article series provides an overview of the various factors, ailments and conditions that could be causing your breath to turn sour.

Welcome to the final installment of this three-part article series on the various causes of bad breath. In Part 1, we spoke to Colorado Springs dentists who explained that bad oral hygiene, tooth decay and gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) were the most common causes of bad breath. In Part 2, we shifted our attention to the less obvious causative factors, which included respiratory tract infections and a condition known as “dry mouth” (linked with alcohol intake, habits such as smoking and certain medications.)

In this article, the final installment of the series, we’ll provide some final possible causes behind chronic bad breath, some of them very surprising indeed…

The Causes of Bad Breath, Continued…

6. Breath Mints

Breath Mints

This may sound completely counter-intuitive, but sucking on a breath mint can actually achieve quite the opposite of the desired effect! “Mints contain sugar, which encourages bacteria to thrive,” explains a dentist in Pueblo CO. “While they may freshen your breath as you suck on them, after five or ten minutes, your breath can actually turn sour as oral bacteria multiply and produce more smelly wastes. This applies to anything with sugar in it, which is why we always encourage patients to brush or at least rinse their mouths out after a sugary beverage, snack or treat.”

Even better: get yourself a pack of sugar-free gum. “Getting into the habit of chewing gum when you want a breath freshener is excellent for your teeth because it stimulates the production of saliva, which helps to wash away food debris and kill bacteria,” advise Colorado Springs dentists.

7. General Health Issues

As it was explained in Part 2 of this article series, oral problems aren’t always to blame for bad breath. There are a host of general health problems and diseases that are linked with halitosis, such as diabetes, respiratory tract infection and liver disease. If your dentist in Pueblo CO has told you that your teeth and gums are healthy, and yet you still struggle with bad breath, book yourself an appointment with your GP. Explain your symptoms and get a diagnosis. The health of your mouth is closely linked to the health of your body and it can provide some very important indications of possible problems, so pay attention!

8. Tongue Health and Hygiene

Tongue Health

Take a look at your tongue in the mirror… what color is it? It should be a healthy pink color all the way to the back of your mouth. Yet, sometimes it can have a whitish coating, which is typically a result of oral bacteria. “When you brush your teeth, you should also be brushing your tongue until it looks nice and pink,” say Colorado Springs dentists. “Your tongue’s surface, being rough, is full of excellent hiding places for oral bacteria, so your tongue could be causing your breath to go bad.”

If you don’t like brushing your tongue, there are also tongue scrapers on the market, which are effective at removing plaque, bacteria and food debris from the surface of your tongue.

A Final Note on Busting Bad Breath

Remember, good oral health and hygiene are fundamental in the fight against bad breath. Never be too shy to ask a friend or family member for a subjective opinion on the quality of your breath because it can compel you to seek treatment for problems that, if left undiagnosed, may ultimately cause to tooth decay and loss.