Lost a Tooth? Now What? Colorado Springs Cosmetic Dentists Walk Us Through the Process, PART 2

This four-part article series explains what you should do in the event that you lose one or more of your adult teeth, whether it is the result of an accident or tooth decay.

Welcome to the second installment of this four-part article series in which we speak to a panel of experienced Colorado Springs cosmetic dentists on tooth loss and the virtues of dental implants. Previously, we began by discussing the various causes of tooth loss – tooth decay, gum disease and accidental trauma. We then asked what should be done in the event that a tooth needs to be extracted and it was briefly explained that most experienced dentists will first discuss a patient’s options with them in detail. Let’s pick up where we left off…

So, if I need a tooth pulled because of, for example, decay, my dentist will talk to me about my options, right?




“They should! If they don’t consult with you first, you may want to consider looking for a new dental healthcare professional. Your dentist should explain to you what technologies are available for the replacement of missing teeth and the advantages, disadvantages and costs of each. Any dentist in Colorado Springs would want you to make as informed a decision as possible and so he or she will discuss all your possible options and address all your concerns before proceeding. What’s important, however, is that you do make a decision and act swiftly, because teeth that are left without replacement tend to cause all sorts of problems.”

Okay, so my decision is to have a missing tooth replaced with a dental implant. Can it be done on the same day as my extraction?

 “In some cases it’s possible to place the implant the day of the extraction, but in many cases a separate appointment will be scheduled for dental implant surgery, especially if a tooth has considerable bone loss around it, which may need to be grafted prior to implant placement. Dental implant surgery, as with any surgery, requires detailed planning. It typically requires X-rays and in advanced cases of gum disease and the loss of many teeth, it can even require CBCT scans. So, most dentists in Colorado Springs will require you to return to their practice on a scheduled day for your procedure.”

Is there anything I need to do in preparation for my surgery?



“Typically, no. You just need to show up on time, but if you have been diagnosed with tooth decay, you may want to assess your lifestyle and daily habits and try to improve upon them. Tooth decay can happen to anyone; even to those who do brush and floss regularly, but it certainly happens more frequently to those who don’t and to those who smoke, eat unhealthy foods and who haven’t seen a dentist in years.”

“If you are a smoker, it is advised that you cease tobacco-use as soon as you decide to have dental implants placed because it increases your risk of implant failure quite considerably. Smoking also retards the healing process and can render post-operative infection more likely. Lastly, if you’re having many or all of your teeth replaced, your surgeon may recommend a general anesthetic in which case you may be required to come in for surgery with an empty stomach. Your dental implant surgeon will explain all of this in detail to you prior to treatment,” explain the Colorado Springs cosmetic dentists.”

Stay Tuned for Part 3

 To find out more about the journey involved in getting teeth replaced with dental implants, stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series.

How To Avoid Getting Bad Porcelain Veneers (Part 4)

Getting porcelain veneers can be fun or traumatic, depending on whether the final outcome is beautiful or badly flawed. Learn the 10 most common mistakes when getting porcelain veneers, and how to avoid them.

You are reading part 4 of a four part series describing the 10 most common mistakes we’ve seen dentists make when placing dental veneers on their patients. By reading this series, you will be empowered with the knowledge to help you avoid choosing a dentist who is lacking experience or training in cosmetic procedures such as veneers. The skill required for doing a total smile makeover — and making it look extraordinarily beautiful — is an art that cannot be learned in a weekend continuing education seminar. It takes months of intense learning and practice.




The first 7 most common mistakes were covered in the previous articles in this series. Please go back and read them first if you haven’t read them already. Now, shall we continue….

8. The eighth mistake we’d like to cover here is miscommunication or a lack of communication with the patient. When a cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs is consulting with you about your smile and the smile makeover recommendations that he has, he should not be rushed and should take as much time as needed to answer all your questions and address your concerns. Most dentists in Colorado Springs will do a wax-up to show you how your smile can be improved and how the veneers will look on your teeth, and they will also show you several before and after photos of previous clients. He should be able to explain the current esthetic state of your gum line, and whether you require periodontal surgery for optimal results with the veneers. You presumably will have questions about the materials used, such as the ceramics, the hemostatic agents, the dental cement, etc., and your dentist should be able to answer these questions without getting defensive or rushing through the conversation.

9. The next mistake is taking on too many clients at one time. When you are paying top dollar for a cosmetic dental procedure, you don’t want to feel like a number on an assembly line. Your cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs should be focused on you during your appointments. If you have to sit in the waiting room longer than fifteen minutes past your appointment, if the dentist seems rushed or can’t remember the specifics of your case, or if you feel like you’re being herded like cattle along with the other patients in the office at the same time, you should move on to another dentist who schedules his patients appropriately.

10. Finally, the last — but not the least — problem to look out for is a dentist who cannot tell you what certifications he has or what professional associations he is a member of. Who did your dentist learn cosmetic dentistry techniques from? How long has he been studying and practicing cosmetic dentistry? Does he teach other dentists his techniques?


We hope you have enjoyed this series!



How To Avoid Getting Bad Porcelain Veneers

Getting porcelain veneers can be fun or traumatic, depending on whether the final outcome is beautiful or badly flawed. Learn the 10 most common mistakes when getting porcelain veneers, and how to avoid them.


While going to the dentist is often seen as one of the least enjoyable things one could do with their day, getting porcelain veneers in Colorado Springs can be an incredibly fun experience. When you go in for your initial consultation and subsequent procedures, the attention is all on you and your smile throughout the entire appointment. The dentist and his team are 100% focused on what it will take to make your smile look incredible. The results are usually stunning. After getting porcelain veneers, many individuals begin to attract new opportunities and new social connections as their pearlescent smile tends to draw people in. This is one of the reasons why dentists in Colorado Springs love to do porcelain veneers on smile makeover patients.




However, some cosmetic dentists in Colorado Springs are so eager to help their smile makeover patients achieve such life-changing results that they start doing porcelain veneers for paying clients before they have gotten adequate training and experience. The art of placing veneers is not something that can be learned in a weekend continuing education course. It often takes years of post-graduate training and practice to become a master of the art. There are many details, materials, and technologies that must be attended to when placing veneers, but here we describe ten of the most common mistakes. As a patient, you can arm yourself with this knowledge to avoid getting bad veneers — and having to pay to get them re-done by another dentist.


1. The first thing that must be addressed before the veneers are done is the gum line. The height of the periodontal tissue at the top of each tooth makes a huge difference in the overall appearance of your smile. If too much gum tissue is visible when you smile, this can either make teeth look too small or cause someone to have a characteristic “horse teeth” appearance. It is often referred to as a gummy smile. In addition to the height of the gum line, the symmetry must also be examined. If the gum line is lower in the front teeth than it is in the canines, this can give the appearance of fangs. The majority of patients getting veneers will require some periodontal reshaping done either with a laser or surgical method before getting veneers. Beware if your cosmetic dentist pays no attention to your gum line before proceeding.


2. The second mistake to look out for is failure to do a wax-up or any kind of preliminary procedure to show you what the finished porcelain veneers will look like in your mouth. A wax-up is a 3-D model that is placed over your teeth to give some idea of how the veneers will look, and a wax-up will also help you and your dentist assess whether there will be speech difficulties or other issues with the veneers. You definitely want to know these things before anything permanent is done so that the problem can be fixed before the veneers are even crafted.


Next week, we’ll discuss more common mistakes to avoid when looking for a cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs for porcelain veneers.



How a Cosmetic Dentist Can Help You

What does a cosmetic dentist do exactly? Learn how a cosmetic dentist can help you improve your smile.

Oftentimes, when people think of going to the dentist, they conjure up images of getting their teeth cleaned or having cavities filled. However, a cosmetic dentist does much more than help you with your basic dental hygiene. A cosmetic dentist can improve the aesthetics of your smile.

Boost Your Confidence

Simply changing the way your smile looks can dramatically change your appearance and your self-image. If you aren’t entirely happy with the way your teeth look when you speak, smile, and laugh, a cosmetic dentist can transform your smile with a variety of different techniques. Cosmetic dentists in Colorado Springs can also perform general dental procedures, so you can continue to see your cosmetic dentist after any procedures to ensure proper cleaning and care.



Are your teeth damaged, stained, misaligned, too small, chipped, discolored, or even missing? A skilled cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs can transform even the “worst” case of bad teeth into a movie star smile that looks natural. Services can include smile rejuvenation, porcelain veneers, crowns, lumineers, gum lift and recontouring, gum bleaching, snap-on smile, dental bridges, teeth whitening, and tooth-colored fillings to help you achieve the look you’ve always dreamed of having.

Fix Crooked Teeth

Misaligned and crowded teeth can place unnecessary stress on your jaw, or even make it difficult to eat or properly keep your teeth clean. They also don’t portray a professional or attractive appearance. A simple procedure such as Invisalign or porcelain veneers can straighten your teeth and dramatically improve the way you are perceived by others when you show your teeth.

If your teeth are discolored from tobacco, tea, coffee, soda, juice, poor oral hygiene, medications, or illness, this can simply be corrected with teeth whitening. Porcelain veneers and crowns may also be an option if your teeth are damaged.

Help For a Gummy Smile

Do your gums show when you smile? This is often referred to as a gummy smile, and it can make your teeth look too small. Upon first glance, it may even appear as if you have no teeth when you’re smiling really big and lots of gum tissue is visible. The great news is that this problem can be corrected. Gum recontouring, gum lift, lip surgery, botox, veneers, crowns, and sometimes even braces are used to correct this embarrassing condition. A cosmetic dentist can help you decide the right option for you.

Are your teeth worn down? This can actually lead to health problems if nothing is done to fix this. Thinning enamel can cause you to become susceptible to tooth decay. Crowns and veneers can correct worn teeth and prevent future health problems.

Do you have large spaces between your teeth that are unattractive and make it difficult to chew your food? Braces and Invisalign are smart options for spaced teeth. Sometimes crowns and veneers are also used.

No More Missing Teeth

Are you missing one or more teeth? This can often be one of the most confidence-lowering cosmetic concerns, but it also presents a health issue. Missing teeth expose your gums to bacteria and plaque, and can actually promote loss of bone tissue in your jaw. Fortunately, dental implants can permanently correct this problem. A dental implant looks and feels just like a natural tooth, and it preserves and protects the health of the surrounding teeth and gum tissue. A cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs can fix your missing teeth problem.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is of course one of the most common cosmetic dental procedures. It can be done much more safely inside a cosmetic dentist’s office than with over-the-counter whitening kits. Teeth whitening is also fairly inexpensive, and when done professionally, the results can last for a long time.


Cosmetic Dentist CO

The benefits of professional teeth whitening from a cosmetic dentist.

This article explains why professional teeth whitening is safer and more effective than at-home teeth whitening systems.

There is a growing demand for a wide variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures, and thanks to technology this area of dentistry continues to advance with better strategies for creating perfect smiles. Even if you have healthy teeth with no obvious chips, cracks, or cavities, you probably suffer from a bit of staining or yellowing of your teeth. Coffee lovers, tea drinkers, and closet soda addicts will most definitely have some staining. If you’re a health nut with a penchant for drinking green smoothies for breakfast and munching on kale chips at snack time, you might even develop a little bit of a mossy green tint to your teeth. Even your Instagram filter will not be able to make your teeth the sparkly white teeth color you need for your social media profile photos!

Boost your confidence, as well as your following on Instagram and Twitter, with some professional teeth whitening. The difference between professional whitening and an at-home whitening kit is striking. Let’s go over the top four benefits of using a cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs to make your teeth a sparkly movie star

1. Fast and Easy

There are distinct benefits to a professional teeth whitening. You’ll feel relaxed in the dental chair, knowing that an expert cosmetic dentist is helping you attain the perfect shade of white. There is no guesswork involved. There are many whitening agents on the market over-the-counter, but leaving them on too long or choosing too high of a strength of whitener could lead to tooth sensitivity that may be permanent. Obviously, that’s not pleasant. One simple visit to your cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs can whiten your teeth with long-lasting, safe results that won’t damage the enamel on your teeth. If your teeth are unusually dark, you may require two to six visits for optimal results.

2. Control and Guaranteed Safety

A cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs will ask you questions regarding the sensitivity of your teeth, and he or she will examine your teeth and the strength of your enamel. This will help your dentist determine the optimal strength of the solution to use on your teeth, and how long it should be applied (and whether you will require more than one treatment application). With an over-the-counter whitening system, you are largely shooting in shooting in the dark and guessing.



3. Movie Star White Guaranteed

If you want your teeth to be the beautiful color of a movie star’s pearly whites, a professional can get you there. With an over-the-counter solution, you probably get what you pay for. Do you think the movie stars whiten their teeth with products from a discount store?

4. No worries about tooth sensitivity and side effects

You may be wary of having your teeth whitened because you may have friends, family, or co-workers who used an at-home tooth whitening system, and now they can’t eat ice cream or drink hot mocha lattes. Many of the homes whitening systems contain a high amount of hydrogen peroxide, which can damage tooth enamel and cause your teeth to become sensitive to hot and cold. Professional cosmetic dentists in Colorado Springs don’t use teeth whitening solutions that can damage your enamel.


Colorado Dental Health

Colorado Springs Dentists Discusses Removable Dentures and Alternatives, PART 2

This two-part article series addresses traditional removable dentures as a solution to multiple missing teeth and edentulism. It then goes on to explore the alternative – dental implants – and why they are regarded as more beneficial to patients.

Welcome to the second half of this two-part article series on removable dentures and the more modern teeth replacement technology on the market: dental implants. In Part 1, Colorado Springs dentists discussed what removable dentures are, how they work and what some of the challenges associated with them are. In this article, we shall discuss the more modern alternative – dental implants – and how they offer Pueblo CO residents a far more comfortable, functional and aesthetic solution to rampant tooth loss and edentulism (toothlessness).

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental Implants

According to Colorado Springs dentists, dental implants are essentially artificial tooth roots. As you can see in the image above, they are tiny screws made from the exceptionally strong metal titanium. These devices are used to replace the roots of missing teeth and then to offer strong support for an overlying dental appliance, such as a ceramic crown or fixed bridge. These restorations replace the visible portion of the missing tooth or teeth.

How Can They Be Used To Replace All Of My Teeth?

Dental implants are popularly used to replace one or two missing teeth, but they can also be used to provide Pueblo CO residents with a complete set of new, non-removable teeth. In these cases four or more dental implants are strategically placed in regions of the mouth that contain a greater volume of strong and healthy bone tissue. A fixed (non-removable) prosthetic dental bridge is then attached to this array of implants, thus providing the patient with a complete set of beautiful teeth again (see image below).

All on 4 Dental implants

What Are The Benefits of Dental Implants?

Unlike traditional removable dentures, dental implants are placed “permanently” in the mouth and the new teeth they support are non-removable. This eliminates many of the challenges and hassles people with dentures have to contend with, such as removing their teeth for cleaning and at nighttime. Dental implants derive all the support they need from the underlying jawbone, as is the case with natural teeth. As a result, Pueblo CO residents are spared all the pain and discomfort caused by bulky dentures pressing down on and rubbing against their gums.

According to dentists in Colorado Springs, some of the other benefits afforded by dental implants include:

  • Dental implants feel natural,
  • Dental implants support much slimmer and more comfortable replacement teeth,
  • They are cared for and cleaned similarly to natural teeth,
  • Dental implants enable patients to bite down with greater strength and to eat most of their favorite foods,
  • They give patients a more beautiful, natural and confident smile.

Perhaps most importantly, dental implants resume the function of the missing tooth root, which helps to keep the underlying jawbone tissue stimulated. Through this stimulation, jawbone health is preserved, which prevents the early onset of aging through bone volume loss. Wearing removable dentures does nothing to prevent atrophy and the loss of bone volume in the jaw explains why denture wearers typically get that aged, sunken appearance around the mouth.

In Conclusion

Dental implants offer Pueblo CO residents a much better, more functional, comfortable and aesthetic solution to missing teeth. They also help to promote jawbone health, which prevents the deterioration of one’s natural youthful facial contours. It’s for these reasons and many more that Colorado Springs cosmetic dentists tend to recommend implants to those in need of new teeth.

Brace Yourself For a Lifetime of Smiles After a Visit to Your Colorado Springs Orthodontist

This article discusses what orthodontic braces are, the benefits of braces and provides a list of problems braces can fix.

Smiles are contagious; this is a simple fact. No matter how grumpy you are or how bad a day you’re having, when someone smiles at you, you smile back. With that small flash of teeth, for one brief moment, your worries fade.

That is unless you are hiding your smile behind your hand because you don’t want to share your crooked teeth with the world. It is this very thing that the orthodontist in Colorado Springs seeks to change, by aiming at giving you a smile that you can be proud of.

Isn’t It Too Late For That?

Orthodontist Colorado Springs

A common misconception is that dental braces are only for children or teenagers. Truth be told, orthodontic braces are becoming increasingly popular among adults who are looking at improving both their appearance and their oral health by straightening their teeth.

Over time, skew teeth can cause more of a problem than simply hindering your smile and they do this by affecting your gums, your jaw, your oral hygiene and even the way you eat your food.

What Exactly do Braces Entail?

Orthodontic braces work by applying continuous pressure over a period of time to the teeth in your mouth. This pressure slowly shifts your teeth, repositioning them into the correct alignment. The main constituents of braces are brackets, arch wire, orthodontic bands, spacers and ties:

  • Brackets are small squares that are cemented onto to each individual tooth.
  • Arch wires are either clear or metal and attach to the brackets. These guide the movement of the teeth.
  • Orthodontic bands are either clear colored or metallic and are wrapped around and cemented to each tooth. They serve to stabilize the brackets.
  • Spacers are used prior to the placement of orthodontic bands and fit in between the teeth making small spaces in which the orthodontic bands are placed.
  • Ties are the small rings or wires that attach the arch wires to the brackets.

This Sounds a Little Uncomfortable…

The truth is that it is initially rather uncomfortable. There is no easy way to shift the position of teeth in your mouth. However, your teeth will feel normal after the initial adjustment period. The orthodontist in Colorado Springs will assess the severity of your case and decide on a plan that best suits you, keeping your best interests and optimum comfort at heart. This being said, you will have to make certain adjustments to your eating and withstand a degree of discomfort before experiencing the overall benefits.

How Do I Know if I Need Braces?

Dentists in Colorado Springs

The obvious answer is to visit the dentists in Colorado Springs for a consultation. But here are a few quick checks to help you decide:

  • Are your teeth particularly skew or crooked?
  • Do you suffer from severe headaches or jaw pain?
  • Do you have difficulty chewing?
  • Are your teeth wearing excessively or unevenly?

If you have answered “yes” to one or more of these questions you might want to visit your Colorado Springs orthodontist for a checkup, because braces might just be the answer that will help you make the world a better place with your beautiful smile.