Fun and Interesting Dentistry Facts for Colorado Springs! PART 2

# 4: When last did you replace your toothbrush?

Dentist Colorado Springs

Take a look at your toothbrush… Are the bristles nice and straight? If not, it’s time to throw your toothbrush away and buy a new one!

“Every three months, you should buy yourself a new toothbrush,” say dentists in Colorado Springs. “With use, the bristles can become blunt and frayed and if they’re not sticking out at perfect 90 degree angles, they aren’t doing a good job of cleaning your teeth. We literally have patients whose toothbrushes look more like toilet cleaners, with bristles sticking out in every which direction. What they don’t know is that a frayed toothbrush is horribly ineffective at getting into the cracks and crevasses between your teeth and at cleaning the gum line.”

According to Colorado Springs dentistry professionals, you should also get rid of a toothbrush after a bout of viral infection, such as a cold or flu. The microbes that made you sick in the first place can get trapped in the bristles of your toothbrush and re-infect you after you’ve healed.

# 5: Never use your teeth as tools!

It’s common knowledge that dental enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, but this isn’t license to go ahead and use your teeth for punishing tasks.

“When we treat patients for cracked, chipped or fractured teeth, one of the main explanations for the damage is – I tried to open a bottle with my teeth,” says a Colorado Springs orthodontist. “Using your teeth to pry open containers, twist metal, open bottles and other tasks that aren’t eating and chewing are a no-no! You can very easily crack or chip a tooth using it as a tool.”

A bottle opener costs a few dollars. Dental restoration of a cracked tooth costs a few hundred dollars. You decide which is best.

# 6: How often should you REALLY see your dentist?

Orthodontist Colorado Springs

“Twice per year” is the advice we’ve all come to know, but did you know that this was more of a catchphrase developed by Pepsodent toothpaste? That’s not to say it’s unfounded advice… seeing your dentist and oral hygienist twice per year is a sterling plan and one that could help you keep your smile beautiful and healthy for life.

Having said that, the standard “twice per year” isn’t always applicable…

“Some of my patients have beautiful, healthy teeth. For them, it may be all right to come back for a check-up again in a year’s time, although we do recommend they see the oral hygienist for a cleaning well before then,” says an orthodontist in Colorado Springs. “Then there are patients who have full-blown gum disease and are in the throes of recovering from an advanced bacterial infection of the gums. These patients will certainly need to come in for appointments more than twice per year. We need to thoroughly clean their teeth and keep an eye on their healing progress, so frequent appointments will be necessary.”

At the end of the day, the number of times you visit your dentist per year should come down to what he or she recommendations, but if you haven’t had a check-up in more than a year, now is the time to book!

Stay tuned for a few last dental facts and stories in the final installment of this three-part article series, coming next week!

A Dentist in Colorado Springs Busts Major Myths About Oral Health, PART 4

Using sound logic and expert advice, this four-part article series dispels some of the most common myths surrounding oral health and dental treatment.

Welcome to the final installment of this four-part article series on the most common myths on dental health. Previously, in Part 3, an experienced dentist in Colorado Springs dispelled the following two myths:

Myth # 5: If dental insurance doesn’t cover it, it’s probably not worth considering.

Few dental insurance companies offer comprehensive coverage for advanced dental treatment, such as dental implants. This doesn’t mean dental implants aren’t the most sophisticated solution available for the replacement of missing teeth, though. You shouldn’t allow your dental insurance to dictate your choice of treatment.

Myth # 6: Tooth loss is normal consequence of getting older.

Gum disease causes tooth loss. Not getting older alone. If you care for your teeth properly, you should be able to keep them all until well in your 80’s and 90’s.

Let’s move along and take a look at two final common misconceptions…

Myth # 7: Dental implants are the most painful treatment you can get.

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There is this strange misconception amongst patients that dental implants are excruciatingly painful to have done, and yet nothing could be further from the truth,” says the dentist in Colorado Springs. “First of all, we always perform dental implant surgery using sedation and anesthesia, so patients rarely remember a thing, never mind feel a thing.

Second of all, the very nature of modern dental implant procedures has changed dramatically over the past two decades what with the introduction of more sophisticated diagnostic technology and placement techniques. Before we even operate on a patient, we know exactly what the problem looks like underneath the gums; we are fully aware of the structure of the jawbone and the proximity of neighboring teeth and we know exactly what to do. So, one or two small incisions and that’s it!

With procedures that are minimally invasive, Colorado Springs residents are enjoying a much shorter recovery period with hardly any pain at all; certainly nothing that can’t be managed with over-the-counter pain medications.”

Myth # 8: Removable dentures are the standard of care for people who have lost all or most of their teeth.

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Removable dentures may be the traditional teeth replacement technology for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth, but they are a far cry from the modern standard of care! Nowadays, we have a suite of dental implant techniques that are capable of giving patients a full set of permanent teeth again, often in as little as one day, with one surgery,” says the Colorado Springs dentist.

The teeth provided by these techniques feel more natural, function better and look far more beautiful than removable dentures. They don’t shift around; they don’t typically cause acute discomfort while eating and don’t need to be removed after meals for cleaning or at nighttime. Dental implants avoid many of the challenges associated with removable dentures and can promote a much better quality of life for patients!

Almost all dentists in Colorado Springs have moved away from dentures and if asked, will recommend dental implants over and above this archaic teeth replacement technique. Do not be mistaken in thinking that dentures are the standard approach to patient care, because they really aren’t.”

Colorado Springs Cosmetic Dentists Explain 10 Smile-Preserving Changes You Could Make Today, PART 4

This four-part article series explains 10 changes anyone can make to their daily routine, lifestyle and habits that can help to extend the life and beautiful appearance of their teeth and gums.

Welcome to the final installment of this four-part article series on the 10 simple changes you could make today to ensure that you keep your teeth healthier and your smile beautiful for decades to come. Over the course of the past three articles of this series, Colorado Springs cosmetic dentists have explained the following eight beneficial changes to one’s routine and lifestyle:

  1. Brush your teeth for just a little bit longer each day. 
  2. Brush your tongue or make use of a tongue-scraper after brushing your teeth.
  3. See your oral hygienist for a professional teeth cleaning at least once per year.
  4. Chew sugar-free gum after meals and when you want to freshen your breath.
  5. Eat chocolate instead of hard, sticky or very brittle candy.
  6. Drink water rather than fruit juice, energy drinks or soda.
  7. Floss your teeth every day, especially before you go to bed at night.
  8. Don’t chew ice: it’s a terrible habit that destroys teeth.

If you would like to keep your teeth beautiful and healthy – moreover, if you’d like to keep your teeth for life or as close to that as possible – then adhering to these tips and the following two is a great start!




Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 9: Avoid Frequent Snacking

“Every time you eat, the pH level of your mouth drops, which is to say that it becomes more acidic. This is not only because most foods contain acid, but also because sugar and carbohydrates fuel bacterial growth. The byproducts these microorganisms produce are acidic,” says a dentist in Colorado Springs. “So, every time you eat, your dental enamel softens and becomes more vulnerable to cavities and acid erosion, which is why you should try to limit the amount of snacking you do throughout the day.”

Try to have three square meals a day with perhaps one afternoon snack to keep you going. Avoid energy drinks and limit the amount of coffee and sugar you consume between meals. Drink plenty of water instead and chew sugar-free gum to stimulate the production of saliva, which will wash away food debris and curtail bacterial growth. All of this can help prevent the need for new teeth.

Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 10: Book an Appointment with Your Dentist




Avoiding the need for new teeth begins with the right lifestyle habits and good oral hygiene and ends with frequent professional care received from your oral hygienist and dentist. Routine dental appointments are crucial. You may be wholly unaware of any oral problems, such as cavities, decay or even gum disease and this is because they don’t typically present with any pain; especially in the beginning stages.


Your dentist will recognize the early signs of a wide variety of oral ailments and will provide treatment before they have a chance to progress to the point of doing permanent damage. Just because you don’t have a toothache doesn’t mean you don’t have decay that could eventually cause you to need new teeth! So frequent professional attention is crucial for good lifelong oral health and a beautiful smile.

Dentists in Colorado Springs Explain 10 Smile-Preserving Changes You Could Make Today, PART 3

This four-part article series explains 10 changes anyone can make to their daily routine, lifestyle and habits that can help to extend the life and beautiful appearance of their teeth and gums.

Welcome to the final installment of this four-part article series on the changes you could make today to preserve long-term oral health. In our previous post, Part 2, dentists explained the following two changes that Colorado Springs residents should all make to their daily routines and habits:

  • Chew sugar-free gum after meals and when you want to freshen your breath. Try to choose sugar-free gum that contains Xylitol, because this helps to strengthen teeth and neutralize pH levels in your mouth after eating.


  • If you have a sweet tooth, eat chocolate instead of hard, sticky or very brittle candy.


We’ve covered half of the tips that could prevent you from needing new teeth earlier in life, so let’s take a look at the remaining five of 10…




Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 6: If You’re Thirsty, Drink Water

Soda, fruit juice and energy drinks should NOT be viewed as thirst quenchers, say Colorado Springs dentists. They are packed with sugar and highly acidic, so if you find yourself thirsty, grab a cold glass of water. It’s much better for your body and it’s much better for your teeth. These beverages are treats and should be indulged in sparingly if you care to preserve smile health.

Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 7: Floss Your Teeth! 

Flossing removes the food, bacteria and plaque that accumulate between your teeth every day. It is an essential part of keeping your teeth clean and healthy and yet we see very few patients doing it frequently enough. It is then no wonder that the most common location tooth decay sets in is between the teeth.

“If you don’t floss your teeth you are leaving 35% of your tooth surfaces unclean and this can have serious long term consequences for your oral health,” say dental implant dentists. “Floss your teeth every day or else you run the risk of eventually needing new teeth!”

Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 8: Stop Chewing Ice!

Whether you’re one of those people who, on a hot day, purposefully fish ice out of the freezer so that you can suck on it, or you like to crunch and chew your way through the ice in your soda, you’ve got to give this habit a rest! According to Colorado Springs dental implants surgeons, chewing ice does tremendous damage to the biting surfaces of your dentition and can actually end you up needing new teeth.

“We’ve seen the kind of damage ice can do to teeth and have had to perform several root canals and other restorative procedures to repair hairline cracks, fractures, chips and cracks caused by biting down on ice,” say dental healthcare professionals. “Your teeth are not intended to be able to manage something as hard and brittle as ice, so try to avoid chewing it as far as possible.”

Stay Tuned for Part 4




To read more about the small changes you could make today – changes that could keep your smile beautiful and help to prevent you from needing new teeth – stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series.

Dental Implants News, Colorado Springs: 10 Smile-Preserving Changes You Could Make Today, PART 1

This four-part article series explains 10 changes anyone can make to their daily routine, lifestyle and habits that can help to extend the life and beautiful appearance of their teeth and gums.

Your teeth are more than just tools for eating; a healthy smile is what makes you YOU! Unfortunately, as is most often the case, you don’t truly appreciate what you have until you lose it, which is why Colorado Springs dentists urge patients to take good lifelong care of their teeth. You don’t want to have to lose one or more of your pearly whites to appreciate just what a difference good oral health makes to your smile.

And so, in this four-part article series, we will be exploring the small changes we could make to our routine, lifestyle and habits today. These changes, while small, could help to ensure that we keep our teeth and gums in the best possible condition for life.

Let’s get started!

Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 1: Brush Your Teeth for a Little Longer




“Most Colorado Springs residents only brush their teeth for a total of 35 seconds per day, when in fact you should brush your teeth for a full two minutes at a time,” say dental implants dentists. “The logic here is simple. The longer you brush your teeth for, the more plaque, food debris and bacteria you will remove, which won’t only help to keep your breath fresher for longer, but will also keep cavities at bay. Even if you find yourself pressed for time, try to brush your teeth for at least 30 seconds longer than you usually do. It could make a world of difference.”

Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 2: Brush Your Tongue 

“Stick your tongue out and have a good look at its surface. It’s very textured and full of small cracks and crannies where opportunistic oral bacteria can hide out. It is therefore just as important to give your tongue a good brush as it is to brush your teeth thoroughly,” say Colorado Springs dentists. “You can either make use of your toothbrush or invest in a specialized tongue scraper. Both will remove the bacteria and food that accumulate on the surface of your tongue throughout the day. This will improve your breath considerably and prevent oral bacteria from gaining a foothold in your mouth!”

Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 3: Go for a Professional Cleaning




Pick up the phone, give your dentist’s office a call and book yourself in for a professional teeth cleaning with your oral hygienist. Even Colorado Springs residents with the most rigorous of home oral hygiene habits will require the far more thorough services of a hygienist at least once per year. Plaque, if left in place for too long, eventually solidifies to become what we call tartar.

While brushing and flossing can remove plaque from your teeth and gums, tartar needs to be scraped off using professional dental tools, because it’s a lot like cement. Tartar causes cavities, gingivitis, gum disease and eventually the need for dental implants. So, if you haven’t seen your oral hygienist in more than a year, it’s time to pick up the phone.

Stay Tuned for Part 2 

To read more about the small changes you could make today – changes that could keep your smile beautiful and youthful for much longer – stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series.

Want New Teeth? A Look Into The Cosmetic Dentist’s Repertoire For Working Magic On Colorado Springs Residents’ Damaged Teeth, PART 4

This four-part article series takes a closer look at the various technologies and techniques available for the repair and replacement of damaged, worn and discolored teeth.

Welcome to the final installment of this four-part article series on the various tools, treatments, techniques and technology available for the perfection of smiles. So far, our panel of Colorado Springs dentists has explained the following incredible techniques for really improving upon the smile aesthetics of previously unhappy patients:

  • Professional Teeth Cleaning
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Dental Veneers
  • Dental Bonding and Tooth Colored Fillings
  • Dental Implants
  • Dental Crowns (Tooth and Implant-Supported)
  • Dental Bridges (Tooth and Implant-Supported)

In our previous article post, Part 3, we introduced dental implants as an excellent solution for Colorado Springs residents who have lost one or more of their natural teeth to decay or accidental trauma. Now, in this our final article installment, we shall take a look at the versatility of this revolutionary dental technology.


Dental implant


Single dental implants

As it was explained in our previous article post, dental implants can be used to replace one or more isolated missing teeth. By supporting a customized ceramic tooth crown, they are virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth and function very similarly too. Perhaps most noticeably, new teeth implants typically feel like natural teeth, which is a great benefit when you consider that one of the key complaints with other dental technologies is that they feel foreign and uncomfortable.

If cared for properly and placed by reputable and experienced dental implants surgeons, Colorado Springs residents can look forward to getting many decades of use out of their new teeth implants with little need for repeat expenses and additional costs. 

Full Mouth Reconstruction




Gone are the days when the only teeth replacement option open to patients who had lost most or all of their original dentition to decay was the traditional removable denture. Nowadays, dental implants are routinely used to reconstruct a patient’s entire dentition, from the back molars to the front incisors. There are a variety of techniques designed to achieve full mouth reconstruction, but the one with the greatest share of the limelight is the “All-on-4,” which has successfully undercut the cost of traditional new teeth implant methods by tens of thousands of dollars. It’s also typically able to provide Colorado Springs residents with beautiful new, non-removable teeth almost always in just one day! This is a feat that is unprecedented in the field of dental implantology, hence the popular status of the “All-on-4.”

The “All-on-4” works by the careful and precise placement and angulation of only four dental implants in the top and/or lower jaw, depending on the patient’s needs. Each of these implants is strategically placed in regions of the jaw that are bulkier than others, so that the dentists can avoid the need for bone grafting surgery, even in patients who have lost a fair amount of bone volume to atrophy over the years. A customized prosthetic dental bridge is then firmly attached to these four implants, thereby providing the patient with dental implants and a beautiful set of teeth and gums, which they can typically use right away!

In Conclusion 

You’re not alone if you dream of having new teeth. The great news is that there is a fantastic suite of options for you to choose from and with the wide availability of dental financing there is little excuse not to book an appointment with your dentist right away!

Cosmetic Dentists in Colorado Springs Explain 8 Healthy Habits to Protect Your Enamel, PART 4

This four-part article series explains eight changes you can make to your diet and lifestyle to keep your dental enamel healthy, thereby helping to prevent tooth loss in the long run.

Keeping all of your original teeth in beautiful condition is a lifelong commitment. It requires a high standard of oral hygiene, the right eating habits and regular professional attention from your dental healthcare team.

Over the course of this four-part article series, we have presented the advice of a panel of experienced cosmetic dentists in Colorado Springs on the things we can do to help protect our dental enamel against decay and acid erosion. These included:

 Tip # 1: Decreasing the amount of sugar in your diet,

Tip # 2: Increasing your intake of calcium-rich foods,

Tip # 3: Not over-brushing your teeth or pressing down too hard when brushing,

Tip # 4: Getting treated for conditions such as acid reflux, heartburn or bulimia,

Tip # 5: Being careful of chlorinated pools,

Tip # 6: Avoiding substances that cause dry mouth, such as smoking and alcohol.

Let’s take a look at the two final fundamental tips for great enamel health…

Healthy Enamel Tip # 7: Don’t Grind Your Teeth!



Teeth grinding, also known as “Bruxism” and jaw clenching are two habits we are mostly completely unaware of doing and yet they have the potential to do terrible damage to our teeth. The exact cause of teeth grinding and jaw clenching is unknown, although they are believed to share a connection with stress and anxiety.

According to our panel of cosmetic dentists, most of the Colorado Springs residents who do suffer from Bruxism grind their teeth at night while they are fast asleep, and so they have no idea that they’re doing it. The only way to really tell is from the wear patterns on the biting surfaces of the teeth. Some people can completely grind their teeth down to the underlying dentine at which stage restoration using a crown may become necessary.

Over time and without any preventative measures, teeth grinding and jaw clenching can utterly destroy your teeth. In addition to the erosive action of the grinding, the unnatural force of clenching your jaw can cause the teeth to become fractured and cracked, leaving them far more vulnerable to decay.

What’s the Solution? 

“If your dentist diagnoses evidence of this kind of nocturnal activity, it is imperative that you have a custom mouth guard or retainer fitted, which you should wear to bed at night,” say dentists to Colorado Springs residents. “This will prevent your teeth from coming together and will help to preserve the protective enamel covering them.”

Healthy Enamel Tip # 8: See the Dentist Every Year




The preventative dental healthcare provided by your dentist and oral hygienist will ensure that your teeth are kept in the best possible condition and that any problems – such as enamel erosion, cavities, decay and gum disease – are diagnosed well before they have a chance to do permanent damage.

Colorado Springs residents should see the dentist once every six months, unless he or she has been told that they are in peak dental health and can return again for an appointment in one year. Routine fluoride treatments are also essential for good enamel health and should your dentist believe that you could benefit from any additional hygiene measures, he or she will make the necessary recommendations.

Colorado Springs Dental Implant Dentists Explain 8 Healthy Habits to Protect Your Enamel, PART 3

This four-part article series explains eight changes you can make to your diet and lifestyle to keep your dental enamel healthy, thereby helping to prevent tooth loss in the long run.

Welcome to the third installment of this four-part article series on the things we can do to help protect our dental enamel against decay and acid erosion. In Part 1 and 2, our panel of Colorado Springs dental implant surgeons explained the following important tips for keeping our pearly whites in beautiful condition:

Tip # 1: Decrease the amount of sugar in your diet,

Tip # 2: Increase your intake of calcium-rich foods,

Tip # 3: Don’t over-brush your teeth or press down too hard when brushing,

Tip # 4: Get treated for acid reflux, heart-burn and bulimia.

Let’s take a look at the next two important tips for great enamel health…

Healthy Enamel Tip # 5: Be Careful of Chlorinated Pools



You’d never imagine that the cool, delicious embrace of your pool during the hot summer months could damage your teeth or your children’s teeth, but if its chlorine levels aren’t carefully controlled, it very well could!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ran a study that examined the effect of chlorinated pool water on dental health and it found that 15% of those who swam frequently displayed some symptoms of enamel erosion. That’s approximately one in six people. This is compared to the portion of people who don’t swim frequently, of which only 3% displayed signs of erosion.

The message here is crystal clear, say dentists to Colorado Springs residents with pools. Monitor the pH levels of your pool carefully and try to keep your mouth closed when you do go underwater.

Healthy Enamel Tip # 6: Avoid Substances that Cause Dry Mouth




Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is a condition that impedes the normal production of saliva in the mouth and is caused by all sorts of substances: usually those that are bad for you. These substances include tobacco-use, alcohol and a variety of illegal drugs, which is just one of the many reasons you should avoid them.

According to Colorado Springs dental implants dentists, saliva is fundamental for the preservation of good oral health and hygiene because it washes away the sugary food residues that can encourage oral bacteria to grow. It also helps to neutralize the pH levels in your mouth, thereby remineralizing your dental enamel. As such, it’s quite normal for people with xerostomia to suffer from acid erosion and tooth decay.

Unfortunately, xerostomia isn’t always preventable, as it does come hand-in-hand with certain chronic medications and illnesses. In these cases, you will need to be more conscious about drinking water and chewing sugar-free gum to keep your mouth hydrated as much as possible. There are medications that can be taken to offset dry mouth, but these will need to be recommended and prescribed by a doctor.

Stay Tuned for Part 4

Stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series to learn more about the necessary healthy habits for good dental health, courtesy of the advice of our panel of dentists serving Colorado Springs.

A Dentist in Colorado Springs Explains 8 Healthy Habits to Protect Your Dental Enamel, PART 1

This four-part article series explains eight changes you can make to your diet and lifestyle to keep your dental enamel healthy, thereby helping to prevent tooth loss in the long run.

Your dental enamel is the last line of defense for your teeth: it’s what protects them from contamination by oral bacteria. While enamel is the hardest substance in the body – harder even than your bones – it does suffer some wear-and-tear throughout a lifetime, but the good news is there is much that can be done to keep it in beautiful lifelong condition.

Since dentists in Colorado Springs operate on the front line of tooth decay and gum disease and treat the consequences of tooth loss every day, we gathered together a panel of these dental healthcare professionals to find out what we can do to keep our dental enamel healthy. In this four-part article series, we present to you what they had to say.

Healthy Enamel Tip # 1: Minimize Sugar in Your Diet




Dentists don’t drone on about eating too much sugar for a reason! Oral bacteria thrive on sugar, so the more sugary beverages you chug down and the more sugar-laden snacks and foods you consume, the better bacteria are going to do in your mouth.

“Oral bacteria use sugar for the energy they need to multiply and the waste products they produce are highly acidic,” explains a Colorado Springs family dentist. “These wastes accumulate on your teeth and at the gum line as plaque, which can lead to the formation of cavities. In addition to decay, acid also softens your dental enamel, which can leave it more vulnerable to attrition or erosion.”

The Solution: If you have a sweet tooth, you’ll simply have to learn to control it: not only for the health of your teeth, but for that of your body, too. Stay away from chewy, sticky candies that get stuck in the cusps of your molars and really limit your intake of sugar-packed and acid-rich sodas and fruit juices. Learn to love water because it’s so good for you and it really is the best thirst-quencher.

Healthy Enamel Tip # 2: Increase Your Calcium Intake




Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth, so increasing your intake of calcium-rich foods will definitely benefit you in the long run!

“Calcium builds strong teeth and, being alkaline, it also helps to neutralize acid in the mouth. Having a glass of milk, a slice of cheese or a small bowl of yogurt with your breakfast, lunch or dinner can go quite the distance in helping to preserve the health of your teeth,” explain our dental healthcare experts.

What about the Fat in Dairy Products? 

Since dairy is derived from animal products, it does naturally contain some fat. Choosing the low-fat or fat-free options won’t compromise calcium content, so Colorado Springs residents can make the smarter and healthier choice and still have their pearly whites benefit from the calcium it contains.

Stay Tuned for Part 2 

Stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series to learn more about the necessary healthy habits for good dental health, courtesy of the advice of our panel of Colorado Springs family dentists.

How To Avoid Getting Bad Porcelain Veneers (Part 2)

Getting porcelain veneers can be fun or traumatic, depending on whether the final outcome is beautiful or badly flawed. Learn the 10 most common mistakes when getting porcelain veneers, and how to avoid them.

We wrote in part 1 of this series about why getting porcelain veneers can be an incredibly fun and rewarding experience for both the patient and the dentist. The results of good veneers done by a cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs with an exceptional amount of training and experience can be life-changing. Because a smile is one of the most prominent features of the face, a total smile makeover can enhance your appearance and make you look more youthful. However, badly done veneers can be devastating.




If you missed part 1 of this series, click here to read the first two major mistakes made by dentists when they do veneers with a lack of expertise. Read on to learn more common mistakes and how to avoid them.


3. The third common mistake is failure to use a good esthetic ceramicist. In this case, the overall skill of the dentist may be quite good, but the final outcome will look dull or fake. Make sure your dentist in Colorado Springs has a good relationship with a trusted ceramicist. The wrong materials used in making your veneers could make your veneers susceptible to irreversible staining, or even a problem with the way light reflects off your teeth. You do not want people to say, “Why did you get veneers?” or even, “What nice veneers you have!” When you pay upwards of $1,000 per porcelain veneer, people better be telling you that you have beautiful teeth! The right ceramicist will make all the difference.


4. A fourth mistake is doing the wrong number of veneers. Many patients visit their cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs and say they want to get veneers on 6 upper teeth (the ones that show when you smile for a picture). The problem here is that most individuals actually show the top 8 – 10 teeth when they smile. When 6 teeth are done instead of 8 or 10, the smile can look imbalanced or it can be obvious that the front 6 don’t match the rest of the teeth in the mouth. People will notice this during a casual conversation with you. Even if you have an unusually small mouth opening, you will probably show 8 teeth when you smile. If your dentist lets you get away with having 6 teeth done, this could be a red flag that you should look for another dentist. On the other hand, if your dentist tries to convince you to get 8 or 10 teeth done instead of 6, please understand that he is not just trying to make more money. He is genuinely trying to offer you a more desirable result.


Come back next week to read part 3 of this series.

