Teeth Whitening for Colorado Springs: Your FAQs Answered! PART 1

This four-part article series provides a comprehensive overview of in-office teeth whitening as a fantastic cosmetic solution to stained and discolored teeth.

If you’re one of Colorado Springs’ many residents who are interested in undergoing teeth whitening treatment, this is a must-read for you! In this four-part article series, we shall be asking a team of cosmetic dentists all the questions we could think of concerning this vastly popular aesthetic dental treatment. Their answers could guide you on your journey to a more beautiful and glitteringly white smile!

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Question: Who is the ideal candidate for teeth whitening?

Answer: “As long as you’re in good oral health, almost anyone can get their teeth whitened, which is one of the great features of this treatment,” explain cosmetic dentists in Colorado Springs. “If your teeth have become a little stained or dulled over the years as a result of the foods and beverages you consume, a professional bleaching treatment can totally change the appearance of your smile. Even smokers can have the evidence of their habit reversed somewhat, however, the effects aren’t permanent. If you continue to smoke or drink a lot of coffee, the enamel of your teeth will become stained and darkened again.”

Question: Are there cases of advanced staining that a professional teeth whitening treatment cannot address?

Answer: “Yes there are. In advanced cases where the stains have penetrated deeply into the dental enamel, or the enamel has become discolored right through, we may recommend porcelain veneers as a more effective treatment,” say teeth whitening experts in Colorado Springs. “The bleach contained by the whitening products dentists use only lightens the appearance of surface staining, so anything else would firstly require diagnosis and then possibly a different course of action.”

Question: So are you saying that discoloration caused by, for example, tooth decay cannot be reversed by a professional teeth whitening treatment?

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Answer: “Yes. Many people take a look at their teeth in the mirror and think that a teeth whitening treatment will improve their smiles, which should be the case. But, this train of thought becomes hugely problematic when the issue causing discoloration is internal decay or build-up of yellowish-white plaque and tartar. If you don’t maintain proper dental hygiene at home, the appearance of your smile will suffer and you will likely require a professional teeth cleaning and treatment for decay and cavities before you can be considered a candidate for teeth bleaching.

The very best way to maintain a beautiful white smile is simply to brush and floss your teeth regularly! But, if your teeth have become dulled or discolored because you enjoy your coffee or you were simply genetically gifted with darker, more yellow dental enamel, then a professional teeth whitening treatment could be an excellent solution.”

Stay Tuned for Part 2

It would seem we’ve arrived at the first very important lesson concerning cosmetic dental treatment, which is the importance of good oral health and hygiene. No teeth whitening dentist in Colorado Springs is going to perform a cosmetic procedure on a decayed, unhealthy smile without first eliminating signs of decay and infection.

To read the answers to more of your frequently asked questions about professional teeth whitening treatments, stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series (coming next week).

The benefits of professional teeth whitening from a cosmetic dentist.

This article explains why professional teeth whitening is safer and more effective than at-home teeth whitening systems.

There is a growing demand for a wide variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures, and thanks to technology this area of dentistry continues to advance with better strategies for creating perfect smiles. Even if you have healthy teeth with no obvious chips, cracks, or cavities, you probably suffer from a bit of staining or yellowing of your teeth. Coffee lovers, tea drinkers, and closet soda addicts will most definitely have some staining. If you’re a health nut with a penchant for drinking green smoothies for breakfast and munching on kale chips at snack time, you might even develop a little bit of a mossy green tint to your teeth. Even your Instagram filter will not be able to make your teeth the sparkly white teeth color you need for your social media profile photos!

Boost your confidence, as well as your following on Instagram and Twitter, with some professional teeth whitening. The difference between professional whitening and an at-home whitening kit is striking. Let’s go over the top four benefits of using a cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs to make your teeth a sparkly movie star

1. Fast and Easy

There are distinct benefits to a professional teeth whitening. You’ll feel relaxed in the dental chair, knowing that an expert cosmetic dentist is helping you attain the perfect shade of white. There is no guesswork involved. There are many whitening agents on the market over-the-counter, but leaving them on too long or choosing too high of a strength of whitener could lead to tooth sensitivity that may be permanent. Obviously, that’s not pleasant. One simple visit to your cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs can whiten your teeth with long-lasting, safe results that won’t damage the enamel on your teeth. If your teeth are unusually dark, you may require two to six visits for optimal results.

2. Control and Guaranteed Safety

A cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs will ask you questions regarding the sensitivity of your teeth, and he or she will examine your teeth and the strength of your enamel. This will help your dentist determine the optimal strength of the solution to use on your teeth, and how long it should be applied (and whether you will require more than one treatment application). With an over-the-counter whitening system, you are largely shooting in shooting in the dark and guessing.



3. Movie Star White Guaranteed

If you want your teeth to be the beautiful color of a movie star’s pearly whites, a professional can get you there. With an over-the-counter solution, you probably get what you pay for. Do you think the movie stars whiten their teeth with products from a discount store?

4. No worries about tooth sensitivity and side effects

You may be wary of having your teeth whitened because you may have friends, family, or co-workers who used an at-home tooth whitening system, and now they can’t eat ice cream or drink hot mocha lattes. Many of the homes whitening systems contain a high amount of hydrogen peroxide, which can damage tooth enamel and cause your teeth to become sensitive to hot and cold. Professional cosmetic dentists in Colorado Springs don’t use teeth whitening solutions that can damage your enamel.


Colorado Dental Health

Colorado Springs Dentists on the Wonders of Teeth Whitening

This article provides a brief overview of teeth whitening, how it works and what the treatment involves.

Coffee, tea, red wine, blueberries, cola, balsamic vinegar, soy and curry sauces, sports energy drinks and certain candy… the list goes on. There is a plethora of foods and beverages that contain pigments and tannins that seep into the tiny pores of our dental enamel, making our teeth appear darker and not-so pearly white. This discoloration can typically be removed with a swift brushing, but over the years, the staining accumulates at a level that toothbrushing becomes ineffectual. The result is a dulled and unaesthetic smile.

The great news is that many Colorado Springs dentists offer teeth whitening as a quick, simple and inexpensive treatment for patients who would like to put the glint back into their grin!

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Prestige Dental Implant Center

“Teeth whitening treatment involves the repeat exposure of the outer surfaces of the teeth to a bleaching agent, such as hydrogen peroxide,” explain Colorado Springs dentists. “This serves to whiten the dental enamel, making the teeth appear a few shades lighter than before, which can totally change the appearance of one’s smile.”

Teeth whitening is generally recommended to Colorado Springs residents whose teeth have become discolored by various staining foods and beverages over the years. What this treatment cannot eliminate is deep staining caused by certain medications and conditions such as fluorosis (over-exposure to fluoride during one’s formative years.)

“Teeth whitening is a cosmetic treatment only,” explain Colorado Springs dentists. “We are always sure to diagnose the cause of dental discoloration prior to putting together a whitening kit for patients. There’s no sense in bleaching teeth that have become discolored as a result of decay because the origin of said discoloration is internal and will simply persist to the point of tooth loss if left unaddressed.”

What Does Treatment Involve?

Teeth whitening is incredibly simple and easy to do. If you’ve noticed your teeth looking a little dulled and discolored, it can make a big difference and a huge cosmetic improvement without looking unnatural. Next time you go to your Colorado Springs dentist for a check-up and cleaning, ask him or her to prepare a teeth whitening kit for you.

You will have a mold made of your teeth, which will be used to custom fabricate a mouth tray for you. Some Colorado Springs teeth whitening offices can get this done on the same day as your appointment if you wait around for half an hour. Others will require that you return the next day for collection.

Your teeth whitening kit will consist of your customized mouth tray and a special whitening gel that contains a percentage of carbamide peroxide (the bleaching agent). You line the tray with this gel so that it is evenly distributed and will make contact with every surface of your dentition, from the front incisors to the back molars. You then press this tray against your teeth and bite down gently.

Colorado Springs Teeth Whitening

“We generally recommend that patients wear these trays for an hour or two, once a day, for one to two weeks,” say Colorado Springs dentists. “The exact length of treatment depends upon the degree of discoloration and staining and the results a patient wishes to see.”

Every day, the shade of your teeth will lighten until, once the desired level of whitening has been achieved, you can cease treatment. And that’s really all there is to it! Quick, simple and inexpensive!