Fun and Interesting Dentistry Facts for Colorado Springs! PART 3

This three-part article series takes a fun yet sometimes serious look at some super interesting facts you probably didn’t know about your teeth and oral healthcare.

Colorado Springs Dentist

# 7: Dentists among the most trusted professionals in America

According to the results of a recent survey, dentists, doctors and nurses are the most trusted professionals in the United States. Who were the least trusted? Not surprisingly, congressmen and lobbyists!

# 8: There are greater inconveniences than a dental appointment…

Time Magazine recently conducted a survey that came through with some pretty interesting results. According to the survey, about 60% of Americans would rather visit the dentist than sit next to someone blabbing away on their cell phone.

“This is quite a heartening statistic,” says one Colorado Spring dentist. “So many people avoid coming in for dental treatment because they suffer from some kind of associated phobia or anxiety. To hear that most people would rather visit the dentist than sit next to someone talking on their cellphone – which, let’s be honest, is a daily occurrence on public transport – is a positive change from the norm. Perhaps we can start expecting to see more and more people coming in for the routine preventative dental healthcare that’s so necessary for great long-term oral health.”

# 9: 75% of Colorado Springs residents suffer from gum disease

Surely not! Yet, according to the Centre for Disease Control, it’s true. The vast majority of, not just Colorado Springs, the American population is in such poor dental health that they have developed some form or stage of gum disease.

“Gum disease is characterized by an advanced bacterial infection of the gums and soft tissues in the mouth,” explains a Colorado Springs dental implant surgeon. “In severe gases, the disease affects the jawbone underlying the gums and can actually deteriorate this hard tissue, as well as the ligaments holding the teeth in place. This is why untreated gum disease is often associated with tooth loss.”

With 75% of the population suffering from gum disease – whether it’s mild gingivitis or severe periodontitis – it’s no surprise that this disease is the predominant cause of tooth loss in patients older than 35.

“The good news is that gum disease is wholly preventable,” says the dental implant dentist. “All you have to do is brush and floss every day and see your dentist for check-ups twice per year. This alone could help you keep your smile in beautiful condition for life.”

# 10: Is your toothbrush kept at a hygienic distance from the toilet?

Colorado Springs Dental Implant Surgeon

This may come as a shock to you, but if your keep your toothbrush within six feet of a toilet it could get covered with what’s known as a “biofilm” of nasty bacteria.

“Every time a toilet flushes, it sends up a fine spray of water, bacteria and unmentionable particles, which settle on all the bathroom surfaces within a radius of about six feet,” says a Colorado Springs dentist. “If your toothbrush is on the sink next to the toilet, you’re at risk of getting sick from this biofilm. Rather keep your toothbrush in an aired cupboard, or if you’re a fan of those protective caps, make sure the ones you buy have small holes in them so that your toothbrush can dry between uses.”

Everything You Wanted to Know About Dental Implants: A Cosmetic Dentist in Colorado Springs Addresses Your FAQ, PART 4

This four-part article series provides the answers to the common questions and concerns dental implant patients have about this advanced tooth replacement technology.

Welcome to the third installment of this four-part FAQ guide to teeth replacement using dental implants! Previously, in Part 3, an experienced cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs answered questions regarding the length of dental implant treatment involved, as well as whether procedures are as painful as they are unfairly rumored to be (they’re not.)

Now, let’s take a look at some of your final frequently asked questions…

Question: Am I a candidate for dental implants?

Cosmetic Dentist Colorado Springs

Answer: “Most patients who require a tooth, several teeth or even all of their teeth replaced are candidates for dental implants. Advancements in surgical protocols and techniques mean that nearly everyone can be considered for dental implant treatment. There are only a very few exceptional cases where the loss of bone volume in the jaw has been too extensive, or the patient presents with certain illnesses (such as blood clotting disorders, heart disease, respiratory disease or bone diseases) for which implant surgery would be considered ineffective or too dangerous.

“Your dentist will consider your full medical history and deduce from X-rays and other examinations whether you are a candidate for implants,” explains the Colorado Springs dental implant surgeon. “If necessary, he or she will speak directly with your medical doctor to determine if surgery is a safe option for you. As I explained, most people who need new teeth are candidates, even if they have been previously told by other dentists that they are not.”

Question: How quickly can I get booked in for my procedure?

Answer: “There is a procedure to follow, so don’t expect to get your new teeth at your first dental appointment! First you will need to set up a consultation with a dental implant surgeon. Then you may require one or more treatment planning sessions, during which he or she will study your case, take X-rays and photos and perform examinations. Then a date for the actual procedure will be set. The great news is, most patients can get their dental implants and their new teeth placed on the same day, meaning you’ll walk out of the dentist’s with a beautiful new set of non-removable teeth,” says the cosmetic dentist.

Question: How long will recovery take?

Colorado Springs Dental Implants

Answer: “You should plan to stay home from work and just take it easy for a week after your procedure, if you’ve had full mouth reconstruction. If you’ve just had one or two teeth replaced, you can go to work the very next day, provided you’re up for it! Full recovery is a process that takes months, but you won’t really know about it because all the “recovery” will be happening beneath the gum line.

“The gums heal within a few weeks, but it’s in the months following your surgery that the jawbone will healing around and bonding to the implant. You should, however, be right as rain within days of your procedure – just make sure to take your medications as prescribed, stay away from strenuous activity and follow the diet recommended to you by your surgeon,” says the Colorado Springs cosmetic dentist.

Colorado Springs Dentists Get Candid About Dental Implant Technology, PART 4

In this four-part article series, we speak to an experienced Colorado Springs dentist about dental implants, what they are, how they work and what patients can expect from getting them.

Welcome to the final installment of this four-part article series in which we speak to experienced Colorado Springs dentists as a comprehensive solution to missing teeth. Previously, in Part 3, we discussed what patients could typically expect from having dental implants placed. It was also revealed that most procedures seldom take more than one dental appointment and that, in spite of its unfair reputation, implant surgery doesn’t usually leave patients in that much pain!

No more than a straightforward tooth extraction might,” adds the dentist.

This is the final installment, so let’s wrap up this series by taking a closer look at the more complex dental implant procedures designed to provide patients with a brand new set of teeth.

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Can you tell us a little more about the dental implant procedure you might use to give someone a complete set of new teeth?

Colorado Springs Dental Implant Dentists: “At our practice, we like to make use of the “All-on-4” dental implant technique, which, as the name pretty much says, only requires four dental implants to provide patients with a complete set of new teeth. This procedure is considered revolutionary because it overcame many of the problems faced by traditional implant techniques. These achievements enable us to provide patients with beautiful, new, non-removable teeth in just one day with a single surgery, in almost all cases.”

What kinds of problems did these traditional dental implant techniques face?

Colorado Springs Dentists: “First of all, they would often require up to 10 dental implants per jaw in order to give patients a new set of teeth. That works out to be incredibly expensive, especially if you require new teeth in both your upper AND lower jaw. In order to place this many implants, dentists would be forced to break the procedure down into a series of more manageable surgeries and recovery periods. So, patients would be looking at spending up to 18 months in and out of the dental clinic while they gradually receive treatment. Finally, these more traditional techniques frequently required patients to first undergo bone-grafting surgery, owing to the volume of jawbone these patients had lost as a consequence of atrophy.

When you add together all of the costs of surgery, the number of dental implants and the possible need for bone grafting, it becomes appreciable just why so many patients chose to have dentures placed instead of implants. The journey to fixed oral rehabilitation was just too long, too painful and too expensive.”

And that’s all changed with the “All-on-4”?

Colorado Springs Dental Implant Dentists: “Thankfully yes! The All-on-4 only requires four dental implants per jaw, which can quite easily be done in a single surgery. Also, owing to the careful and strategic planning of this procedure, we can provide most patients with new teeth without the need for painful bone grafting surgery. This means new teeth in one day and at a cost that is tens of thousands of dollars less.”

So the “All-on-4” is the modern standard of treatment for patients who need a full set of teeth?

Colorado Springs Dentists: “We certainly think so, as do most dentists across the country. The outcomes of the All-on-4 are fantastic and we have no shortage of patients who are utterly ecstatic with their new teeth, which look, feel and function just like a complete set of natural teeth.”

Colorado Springs Dental Implants Dentist Gets Candid About Teeth Implants, PART 3

In this four-part article series, we speak to an experienced Colorado Springs dentist about dental implants, what they are, how they work and what patients can expect from getting them.

Welcome to the third installment of this four-part article series in which we speak to an experienced Colorado Springs family dentist about implants as a comprehensive solution to missing teeth. Previously, in Part 2, the differences between implants and the more traditional approach to replacing teeth – the porcelain bridge – were explored. We also discovered a key benefit of dental implants and that was that they replace the roots of missing teeth, which helps to maintain good jawbone health.

Let’s now take a look at what patients can expect from dental implant surgery!

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All right, so we’ve established that dental implants are the preferred treatment choice of many dentists across the country. Now, let’s move on to what the procedures involved in having them placed are. Can you give us a rough idea of what patients might expect?

Colorado Springs dental implant dentist: “Most patients who are only having one or two teeth replaced can have the procedure done in our office in a single dental appointment. Modern dental implant technology and techniques have really made most procedures very quick, predictable and simple. Even full mouth reconstruction can be done within the space of a single day using advanced surgical protocols, such as the All-on-4.”

Does it hurt to have dental implants done?

Colorado Springs family dentist: “We always provide patients with the gentle sedation and local anesthesia necessary to keep them completely relaxed and totally pain-free throughout the procedure. We also send patients home with prescription medications to help manage any post-operative discomfort, although most report that this is only necessary for the first few days.

Would you then say that dental implants have a bit of an unfair reputation for being painful? Because that’s what I’ve always heard.

Colorado Springs dental implant dentist: “You must remember that dental surgery has come a very long way, even over the past decade. Where dentists used to “feel our way in the dark,” we now have powerful diagnostic technology and sophisticated computer imaging software to help guide us. As a result, modern dental implant surgery is meticulously planned, minimally invasive and therefore causes minimal trauma and discomfort. Perhaps the stories you heard were from patients who had dental implants done many years ago and who, as a result, may have experienced a more painful recovery.”

Let’s talk about the success rate of dental implants.

Colorado Springs family dentist: “Ah yes, the success rate of our dental implant procedures are very high. 98% for simple cases involving single tooth replacement and 95% and higher over a period of 10 years for complex cases requiring full mouth reconstruction.”

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Do you ever have cases where patients come to you with their dental implants having fallen out of their mouths?

Colorado Springs dental implant dentist: “Patients who experience any kind of post-operative difficulties usually return to our office well before anything quite so dramatic happens! It’s very rare for patients to experience problems, but if they do we insist that they contact us immediately. We also perform standard post-operative examinations after 10 to 14 days, which enables us to identify any existing or potential concerns. So, to answer your question: no. Not yet, at least and hopefully never!”

Stay Tuned for Part 4

Stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series to find out more about dental implants and what patients can expect from getting missing and/or irreparably damaged teeth replaced.

A Colorado Springs Cosmetic Dentist’s Comprehensive Patient Guide to Sedation Dentistry, PART 2

This four-part article series provides an in-depth overview of sedation dentistry, what it is, how it works, the benefits it offers and what patients can expect from its different methods of administration.

Welcome to the second installment of this four-part article series on sedation dentistry and everything patients need to know about this essential branch of dental healthcare. Previously, in Part 1, an experienced Colorado Springs cosmetic dentist explained what sedation is and what the three primary modes for administration are (oral pills, nitrous oxide gas and intravenous) before going on to describe what it actually feels like for patients.

Now, let’s take a look at the many benefits of sedation dentistry…

The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

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  • Anxiety-free Treatment: Sedation dentistry eliminates fear and anxiety, which encourages patients to receive the routine preventative or restorative treatment they need to keep their teeth healthy.

  • No More Sweaty Palms and Racing Hearts: It also eliminates many of the physical symptoms associated with fear and anxiety, which includes sweating, trembling, fainting, nausea and panic attacks.

  • Pain-free Treatment: You don’t need to be terrified of the dentist to benefit from sedation dentistry.

    Sedation is often administered to patients about to undergo complex and invasive procedures for which it eliminates pain, stress and discomfort,” explains the Colorado Springs dental implant dentist. It’s also good for patients who suffer with extremely sensitive or painful teeth.”

  • Single Visit Treatment: Sedation dentistry enables dentists to perform longer and more involved procedures, such as dental implant surgery, in a single appointment instead of breaking it down into shorter phases or stages. With more work being achieved in a single appointment, patients are saved the time, inconvenience and expense of multiple procedures.

  • A Good Dental Catch Up: Oftentimes, Colorado Springs dental implant dentists only see patients after many years of abandon, probably because fear and embarrassment has kept them away. Sedation dentistry enables the dentist to provide several years’ worth of treatment in only a few appointments. This isn’t the recommended way to go about receiving professional dental care, but it’s better than total neglect!

  • Eliminates Gagging: Sedation can also be prescribed to those patients who have a strong gag reflex and who struggle to keep their lunch down, even when undergoing a straightforward check-up or cleaning.

  • Benefits Dentist and Patient: Sedation dentistry is as beneficial to the patient as it is to the dentist. Any decent cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs is wholly concerned about the comfort and wellbeing of their patients and if a patient is seen to be struggling with panic and fear, it’s going to be hard for the dentist to dispense the quality of care they are truly capable of. By sedating the patient, both parties are put at ease and, as such, the dentist can provide the best quality care under much better and more relaxed circumstances. Patients are also calmer and more cooperative under the effects of sedation.

  • Safe and Easy: Sedation medications are easily metabolized by the body, so they won’t deliver an unpleasant hangover afterwards. They also take effect really quickly and the dentist can easily control the dosage.

Who’s the Ideal Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

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Image courtesy of Free Digital Photos

The ideal candidate for sedation dentistry is someone who suffers from any of the above-mentioned conditions: anxiety, fear, nervousness, strong gag reflex, painful or sensitive teeth or advanced neglect.

If you have any kind of anxiety about undergoing dental treatment, whether it’s a routine examination or advanced surgery, sedation can really help you,” explains a cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs. “It can also help you overcome your fear, making it easier for you to seek professional dental care in future, even if you’ve had a bad experience in the past.”

Stay Tuned for Part 3

To read more about sedation dentistry and what the different modes of administration entail (pills, nitrous oxide gas and IV), stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series.

A Colorado Springs Dental Implant Dentist’s Comprehensive Patient Guide to Sedation Dentistry, PART 1

This four-part article series provides an in-depth overview of sedation dentistry, what it is, how it works, the benefits it offers and what patients can expect from its different methods of administration.

No one likes the idea of having dental work done. Now couple that with an all-out fear of the dentist and you’ve got a patient who’s likely to choose living with toothache over going for an appointment. The problem is, left for too long, dental problems can become exponentially worse. Something that could easily have been repaired within the space of an hour could turn into a full mouth reconstruction project and, of course, you’ll be kicking yourself when you see the attached dental bills.

Phobia and anxiety aren’t choices, though. So how can the terribly fearful of Colorado Springs residents overcome the crippling physical manifestations of their fear to receive the routine preventative and restorative dental treatment necessary to maintain excellent oral health and hygiene? Moreover, how can these people find the inner strength to come in for procedures as terrifying as dental surgery? The answer is not to live with your dental problems…

It’s sedation dentistry.

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In this four-part article series, a Colorado Springs dental implant dentist will be talking to us about sedation: what it is, how it works and the different methods of sedation available. He’ll explain to us what sedation feels like and what patients can expect from their experience. Armed with the knowledge of this, it is hoped that more Colorado Springs residents will be encouraged to see the dentist again, knowing that sedation can spare them the trauma of fear and anxiety attacks.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is the answer Colorado Springs residents who have traditionally struggled with fear and anxiety have been waiting for. Through the administration of special medications that depress the central nervous system – much like alcohol does but without the liver damage and hangover – sedation makes dental treatment completely relaxing, pleasant and carefree.

There are three primary modes for sedation and they are:

  1. Oral Conscious Sedation: Patients take one or two tranquillizer pills about an hour prior to their appointment or procedure.

  1. Nitrous Oxide Sedation: Also known as “laughing gas,” patients breathe this in through an oxygen mask whilst in the dentist’s chair, which delivers immediate relaxing effects.

  1. Intravenous (IV) Sedation: Delivered via an intravenous tube and controlled by the dentist throughout the procedure. IV sedation is especially useful for more complex and invasive procedures, such as dental implant surgery.

We will be taking a closer look at these various sedation methods and what patients can expect from them in a subsequent installment of this series. For now, our cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs answers the following question…

What Does Sedation Feel Like?

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When sedated, you’ll physically feel calm and relaxed and mentally, somewhat detached from reality,” explains the Colorado Springs cosmetic dentist. “You won’t be fully aware of what’s going on and even better, you won’t care. Sedation can, in some respects, be compared with feeling slightly drunk except without any of the unpleasant side effects like nausea. You’ll feel sleepy, deeply relaxed and your thoughts will be “fuzzy” and dream-like. Few people actually remember their appointment once they’ve emerged from the effects of sedation, but what they will remember is that they didn’t experience any pain, anxiety or fear.”

Stay Tuned for Part 2

To read more about sedation dentistry and its many incredible benefits, stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series.

Dentists in Colorado Springs Explain 10 Smile-Preserving Changes You Could Make Today, PART 3

This four-part article series explains 10 changes anyone can make to their daily routine, lifestyle and habits that can help to extend the life and beautiful appearance of their teeth and gums.

Welcome to the final installment of this four-part article series on the changes you could make today to preserve long-term oral health. In our previous post, Part 2, dentists explained the following two changes that Colorado Springs residents should all make to their daily routines and habits:

  • Chew sugar-free gum after meals and when you want to freshen your breath. Try to choose sugar-free gum that contains Xylitol, because this helps to strengthen teeth and neutralize pH levels in your mouth after eating.


  • If you have a sweet tooth, eat chocolate instead of hard, sticky or very brittle candy.


We’ve covered half of the tips that could prevent you from needing new teeth earlier in life, so let’s take a look at the remaining five of 10…




Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 6: If You’re Thirsty, Drink Water

Soda, fruit juice and energy drinks should NOT be viewed as thirst quenchers, say Colorado Springs dentists. They are packed with sugar and highly acidic, so if you find yourself thirsty, grab a cold glass of water. It’s much better for your body and it’s much better for your teeth. These beverages are treats and should be indulged in sparingly if you care to preserve smile health.

Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 7: Floss Your Teeth! 

Flossing removes the food, bacteria and plaque that accumulate between your teeth every day. It is an essential part of keeping your teeth clean and healthy and yet we see very few patients doing it frequently enough. It is then no wonder that the most common location tooth decay sets in is between the teeth.

“If you don’t floss your teeth you are leaving 35% of your tooth surfaces unclean and this can have serious long term consequences for your oral health,” say dental implant dentists. “Floss your teeth every day or else you run the risk of eventually needing new teeth!”

Small Changes for Bigger Smiles # 8: Stop Chewing Ice!

Whether you’re one of those people who, on a hot day, purposefully fish ice out of the freezer so that you can suck on it, or you like to crunch and chew your way through the ice in your soda, you’ve got to give this habit a rest! According to Colorado Springs dental implants surgeons, chewing ice does tremendous damage to the biting surfaces of your dentition and can actually end you up needing new teeth.

“We’ve seen the kind of damage ice can do to teeth and have had to perform several root canals and other restorative procedures to repair hairline cracks, fractures, chips and cracks caused by biting down on ice,” say dental healthcare professionals. “Your teeth are not intended to be able to manage something as hard and brittle as ice, so try to avoid chewing it as far as possible.”

Stay Tuned for Part 4




To read more about the small changes you could make today – changes that could keep your smile beautiful and help to prevent you from needing new teeth – stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series.

Colorado Springs Dental Implant Dentists Explain 8 Healthy Habits to Protect Your Enamel, PART 3

This four-part article series explains eight changes you can make to your diet and lifestyle to keep your dental enamel healthy, thereby helping to prevent tooth loss in the long run.

Welcome to the third installment of this four-part article series on the things we can do to help protect our dental enamel against decay and acid erosion. In Part 1 and 2, our panel of Colorado Springs dental implant surgeons explained the following important tips for keeping our pearly whites in beautiful condition:

Tip # 1: Decrease the amount of sugar in your diet,

Tip # 2: Increase your intake of calcium-rich foods,

Tip # 3: Don’t over-brush your teeth or press down too hard when brushing,

Tip # 4: Get treated for acid reflux, heart-burn and bulimia.

Let’s take a look at the next two important tips for great enamel health…

Healthy Enamel Tip # 5: Be Careful of Chlorinated Pools



You’d never imagine that the cool, delicious embrace of your pool during the hot summer months could damage your teeth or your children’s teeth, but if its chlorine levels aren’t carefully controlled, it very well could!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ran a study that examined the effect of chlorinated pool water on dental health and it found that 15% of those who swam frequently displayed some symptoms of enamel erosion. That’s approximately one in six people. This is compared to the portion of people who don’t swim frequently, of which only 3% displayed signs of erosion.

The message here is crystal clear, say dentists to Colorado Springs residents with pools. Monitor the pH levels of your pool carefully and try to keep your mouth closed when you do go underwater.

Healthy Enamel Tip # 6: Avoid Substances that Cause Dry Mouth




Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is a condition that impedes the normal production of saliva in the mouth and is caused by all sorts of substances: usually those that are bad for you. These substances include tobacco-use, alcohol and a variety of illegal drugs, which is just one of the many reasons you should avoid them.

According to Colorado Springs dental implants dentists, saliva is fundamental for the preservation of good oral health and hygiene because it washes away the sugary food residues that can encourage oral bacteria to grow. It also helps to neutralize the pH levels in your mouth, thereby remineralizing your dental enamel. As such, it’s quite normal for people with xerostomia to suffer from acid erosion and tooth decay.

Unfortunately, xerostomia isn’t always preventable, as it does come hand-in-hand with certain chronic medications and illnesses. In these cases, you will need to be more conscious about drinking water and chewing sugar-free gum to keep your mouth hydrated as much as possible. There are medications that can be taken to offset dry mouth, but these will need to be recommended and prescribed by a doctor.

Stay Tuned for Part 4

Stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series to learn more about the necessary healthy habits for good dental health, courtesy of the advice of our panel of dentists serving Colorado Springs.

Lost a Tooth? Now What? Colorado Springs Dentists Walk Us Through the Process, PART 4

This four-part article series explains what you should do in the event that you lose one or more of your adult teeth, whether it is the result of an accident or tooth decay.

Welcome to the final installment of this four-part article series in which we speak to a panel of experienced Colorado Springs dentists. In our previous article installment, we delved a little deeper into the exact procedure followed during the replacement of a missing tooth.

Our panel of experts also explained the pain management and sedation techniques typically used by dentists and surgeons. We ended off Part 3 with the revelation that most modern implant procedures can provide patients with implants AND a new tooth on the same day. Let’s get some insight into this before concluding our entire series…

What do you mean by “providing an implant and a new tooth on the same day”? Isn’t a dental implant a replacement tooth?



“To be more precise, a dental implant is more like a replacement tooth root, which means that it assumes the role of a natural tooth root and provides support for a new tooth crown. Most modern dental implant procedures are able to provide patients with both the implant (artificial tooth root) and ceramic dental crown (artificial tooth crown) on the same day, although the crown placed is typically a temporary one. Once the gums and jawbone have healed to the satisfaction of your dentist or surgeon, they will remove the temporary crown and replace it with a stronger and more durable, permanent crown,” explain the Colorado Springs dental implant experts.

I won’t have to leave the dentist with a gap in my teeth after dental implant surgery, will I?

“In most cases, no. You can at least be provided with a removable temporary replacement, which will fill the gap left by the missing tooth.”

What if I need more than one tooth replaced? What if a patient has lost most or even all of their natural teeth? How might treatment for advanced tooth loss differ?

“There are a variety of dental implant techniques that can be done to provide edentulous and near-edentulous patients with new teeth and the good news is that one in particular – the All-on-4 protocol – can almost always achieve this in just one day, with a single surgical procedure,” say Colorado Springs dentists. “You will be required to come in for a consultation with your surgeon and this may be followed up by a couple of treatment planning sessions, during which X-rays and molds or impressions will be made of your mouth.”

“The surgery is done during a separate scheduled appointment, which typically the patient is sedated for. A prosthodontist or dentist then attaches a temporary bridge to the implants – complete set of prosthetic teeth – rather than a single dental crown and you’ll then be free to return home. Recovery is typically slightly longer than it is for single dental implant procedures and you may want to take a few days off from work to allow your body the rest it needs to begin healing properly.”

Once a patient’s implants have healed, what will his or her new teeth be like?




“Dental implants placed by highly qualified and experienced Colorado Springs dentist typically look, feel and function quite similar to natural teeth. So, patients should be able to eat comfortably and manage a much greater diversity of foods; they shouldn’t be constantly aware of their replacement tooth or teeth and they should be able to smile with great confidence!”

Lost a Tooth? Now What? Colorado Springs Dental Implants Surgeons Walk Us Through the Process, PART 1

This four-part article series explains what you should do in the event that you lose one or more of your adult teeth, whether it is the result of an accident or tooth decay.

If the statistics of tooth loss released by the American CDC (Centers for Disease Control) are to be believed, then it would seem that we will all have experience with tooth loss at some stage during our lives. And by tooth loss, we don’t mean the kind involving financial transactions with the tooth fairy! Once all of your adult teeth have emerged, you only have one set to last you a lifetime, so it’s a very big deal when one or more fall out or need to be extract as a result of tooth decay, accidental trauma or gum disease.

What we want to know is what happens now? What’s the step-by-step process for New Jersey residents whose smile has taken a gappy turn for the worse? To answer this pressing question, we spoke to some experienced Colorado Springs dental implants surgeons. This four-part article series presents what they had to say on the matter.

What are the most common reasons Colorado Springs residents come to your practices to have a tooth or several teeth replaced?


“I think most dentists will agree that the greatest cause behind tooth loss is tooth decay. Bad oral hygiene, not seeing the dentist frequently enough for professional preventative care, tooth grinding, smoking, unhealthy eating, excessive drinking and drug abuse can all lead to a greater risk of tooth decay, which, if left untreated, can cause tooth loss,” explain the dental implant surgeons.

“Many of these habits and addictions can also lead to a greater risk of gum disease, which is yet another major health concern in the Colorado Springs and one that ultimately leads to tooth loss and even complete edentulism in the absence of timely treatment. Edentulism is the state of not having any natural teeth left at all.”

What about tooth loss resulting from car accidents, for example? Does that bring a lot of patients to your offices?

“We typically find more people losing teeth from accidental injury sustained in playing sports, especially hockey and competitive combat sports. Sure, many Colorado Springs residents have lost or had teeth badly damaged in car and motorbike accidents, but also from skating, biking and other modes of getting from A to B,” explain the dental implant surgeons. “Our advice for sports players is to always wear a mouth guard.”

So, say I lose a tooth or my dentist extracts it because it simply cannot be saved. What happens now? What should I do?




“Colorado Springs dentists will discuss your tooth replacement options with you before they extract the problematic tooth. While there are several technologies available, dental implants are considered the best because they look, feel and function more like natural teeth than the alternatives and they tend to last longer too. If you decide to go with dental implants, your dentist may refer you to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, or elsewhere depending on what’s most convenient for you.”

Stay Tuned for Part 2

To find out more about the journey involved in getting teeth replaced with dental implants, stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series.